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科研写作中可能用得到的英文表达 表逻辑关系: 表因果关系: 引起,导致(前因后果):give rise to… ; lead to… ; result in ; contribute to… ; lie in ; therefore ; thus ; hence ; as a result ; be responsible for ; account for ; cause ; trigger ; entail ; induce ; Consequently ; corollary 由…引起,由于(前果后因):arise from ; due to ; thanks to ; owing to ; result from ; because ; because of ; since ; for…; be attributed to… 归因于 表转折: however; but; although; otherwise; 表让步: admittedly; notwithstanding; even if/though; despite; regardless of(不管); aside 撇开,除去(以改变话题或语气); insofar as... 在……的范围内,到……的程度; 表递进: moreover; in addition; furthermore; 表并列: equally; equivalent; likewise; alternative; analogous(ly); approximate(ly); commensurate(ly); similarly; respective(ly); simultaneous(ly) 同时发生的,同时存在的; 表对比: in contrast; on the other hand; on the contrary; compared with/in comparison; correspondingly; relative(ly); 用于引出概念等的解释 refer to; denote; give expression to; manifest; in other words, …; define/definition; according to; based on; cast light on… 阐明,使…真相大白 表同意与反对(表述态度) 同意,相容的,一致的 agree to/on/about/with; accede to; compatible; consistent(ly); concede (不太情愿地)承认; in accord with...; 反对,相反的 conversely; disagree; oppose to; reverse; protest 反对,抗议; 表假设 assume/assumption; suppose/supposition; postulate; hypothesis; 表阐述,阐明,说明,揭露 explain; elaborate; expatiate; dwell on谈论,想; expound; exposit; clarify; demonstrate; illuminate; set forth; elucidate; illustrate; interpret; reveal; assert 声称,断言; 表证明,证实 bear out; corroborate; prove; substantiate; attest (to); establish; validate; 表重要性 重要的,主要的,首要的,必须的 necessary; required; indispensable; significant(ly); important; crucial; vital; essential; principal; consequential; primary; salient; substantial(ly); be obligatory for; 不重要的negligible; frivolous; 表例子,举例 for example/for instance; such as; exemplify... 是…的例子; paradigm; to be specific; to be exact; range from... to... 表总结,下结论 in conclusion; taken together; conclusively; at the conclusion of… 在…终了时,在…完结时 表数量 许多 many; much; a lot of; lots of; a


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