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Oliver Twist ;The PPT Will: ;Charles Dickens; He is one of the greatest critical realist writers of the Victorian Age. He exposed in his works the poverty, injustice, hypocrisy and corruptness of society. With striking force and truthfulness, he created pictures of bourgeois civilization, describing the misery and sufferings of the common people.He is the founder of critical realistic literature in the 19th century.;Background; In the extremely stratified England class structure, the highest social class belonged to the gentleman, an aristocrat who did not have to work for his living. The middle class was stigmatized for having to work, and so, to alleviate the stigma attached to middle-class wealth, the middle class promoted work as a moral virtue. The middle-classs value system transformed earned wealth into a sign of moral virtue.;;Oliver Twist was the second long novel of Charles Dickens. In this novel, Dickens mercilessly exposed the darkness and hypocrisy of the bourgeois society. He described the life of poor children of the captalist society and revealed the darkness of education with a purpose to help the lower strata of the society.;Literary Appreciation of Oliver Twist;;Coincidences embody Dickens radical ideas;;Different movie versions;Oliver Twist(1948);Oliver Twist(2005);;Different from novel;Characters;;;;;;Plot of summary;Theme;Symbols;Comments on movie;;;;My Review;My Reflection;


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