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The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne The introduction of Nathaniel Hawthorne Nathaniel Hawthorne July 4, 1804 – May 19, 1864 Brief Introduction Born in 1804 in the city of Salem, Massachusetts(马萨诸塞州). Entered Bowdoin College in 1821 and graduated in 1825. Published his first work anonymously(不具名地), a novel titled Fanshawe《范肖》in 1828. He worked at a Custom House(海关) and joined Brook Farm, a transcendentalist community, before marring Peabody in 1842. Published The Scarlet Letter in 1850. Died on May 19, 1864. Major Works 主要作品 1828 Fanshawe 长篇小说《范肖》 1837 The Ministers Black Veil《教长的黑纱》 1850 The Scarlet Letter 长篇小说《红字》—a treatment of the effects of sin on the human spirit. 1851 The House of Seven Gables《有七个尖角阁的房子》 1852 The Blithe dale Romance 《福谷传奇》 1860 The Marble Faun《玉石雕像》 Hawthorne and American Puritanism Puritans was the name given in the 16th century to the more extreme Protestants(新教徒,基督教徒)within the Church of England who thought the English Reformation?(英国宗教改革)had not gone far enough in reforming the doctrines and structure of the church. They wanted to purify their national church by eliminating every shred of Catholic influence(加尔文教势力残余). In the 17th century many Puritans emigrated to the New World, where they sought to found a holy Commonwealth in New England. Puritanism remained the dominant cultural force in that area into the 19th century. Hawthorne is influenced by Puritanism deeply. He is not a puritan himself, but he was greatly influenced by his Puritan ancestors who played important role in his life and works, and was different from his ancestors, he had a feeling to some extents of Puritanism as being intolerant and cruel. He often examined and analyzed social phenomenon in the view of Puritanism, but he detested the rigidity of Puritanism . Hawthorne and transcendentalism Nathaniel Hawthorne was one of the most outstanding romanticists in the nineteenth century. His creation was closely related to the philosophical in his time –tra


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