马达加斯加 中英文文本 (修改版).doc

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马达加斯加 中英文文本 (修改版)

Madagascar 1 《马达加斯加 1》 -Alex:Surprise! 大惊喜! -Marty:Alex! Do not interrupt me when Im daydreaming! When the Zebra is in the zone, leave him alone. interrupt: 打断 daydream: 做白日梦 zebra: 斑马 Alex!别在我在做白日梦的时候来打搅我! 斑马在家,闲人勿扰。 -Alex:Come on ,Marty, just wanted to wish you a happy birthday! 别这样,Marty,我只是想来祝你生日快乐的! -Marty:Hey man, thanks. 嘿,哥们儿,谢了。 -Alex:Hey,I got something stuck in my teeth. Its driving me crazy! Can you help me out here? Please? stuck: 被卡住 drive me crazy: 使我发疯了 嘿,我牙里塞了点东西,快受不了了。你能不能帮我把它取出来,拜托? -Marty:You came to the right place, my friend. Doctor Marty D.D.S is in the house! D.D.S: 牙科学博士 算你来对地方了,我的朋友。Marty医生,牙科学博士正巧在家呢! Please hop on top of my sterilized examination table, if you may. I dont see anything.It’son the left. hop on: 跳上 sterilize: 消毒的 如果可以的话,请跳到我消过毒的检查台,上来。我什么也没看见啊,在左边。 -Alex:Oh,sorry. 噢,抱歉。 -Marty:Okay, just dont talk with your mouth full. Right here. What a hack is this doing in there? 好,张嘴的时候别说话。找到了。这个东西在里面做什么? -Alex:Happy birthday! 生日快乐! -Marty:Thanks man. It was behind the tooth! Youre all right. 谢谢,哥们儿,原来它在牙齿后面啊,你没事了。 -Alex:Its hardly on a shelf yet.Here, check it out. Look at that, look at that. Look at that, its snowing. 这个还没有上市呢,这个,看看。看看那儿,看看那儿,看见没,在下雪哟。 Ten years old, ha!, A decade! Double digits. A big 10. You dont like it? decade: 十年 十岁啦,哈!,十年!两位数,非同寻常的十岁!你不喜欢它吗? -Marty:No, no. Its great! 不,不是,礼物很棒! -Alex:You hate it. I should have gotten you the Alex alarm clock. Thats the one, thats the big seller. alarm clock: 闹钟 你不喜欢它,我应该给你一个Alex牌闹钟的。那个最合适,是畅销货。 -Marty:No, no. the present is great, really. Its just that another years come and gone, and Im still doing the same old thing. 不,不,这个礼物很好,真的。只是因为又过了一年,而我还是老样子。 Stand over here, over there. Eat some grass. Walk back over here. 这里站站,那里站站,吃吃草,然后走回去。 -Alex:I see your problem. 我明白了。 -Marty:Maybe I should go to law school. 也许我应该读法律去。 -Alex:You just need to break out of that boring routine. routine: 惯例 你只是需要从哪乏味的日常生活中解脱。 -Marty:How? 怎么做? -Alex:Rock the old that,get out there, who knows what you


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