高一英语必修一module 4.ppt

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高一英语必修一module 4

Vocabulary Find out the word with different parts of speech 1. Survey local neighborhood 2. Hometown attractive local 3. Fortunate tourist occupation 4. Nuisance district survive 5. Starve bother traffic 6. Attractive nuisance suburb 7 .Starve gorgeous approach 8 . harbour pretty unemployed 9. professional local nuisance 10. afford survive gallery Find out the misspelled word Survay neighborhood local Starve archtecture harbour District rent nusance bother tourist furtunate Attractive hometown surburb Neigbourhood survey local Gorgeous architecture habour Nuisance bother gogeous Gorgeous atractive fortunate Starve architecture appoach Locel suburb survive A Social Survey My Neighborhood A high-rise building Page 31 Activity 2 Read the two passages carefully and find out the answer to the questions below In which part of china does he live ? Dose he live in the center of the city ? On which floor does he live ? How many floors does the apartment block where he lives has? Does she live in the south of china ? Does she live in the countryside of Liaoning ? Dose she lives in a rented house ? What is her house made of .? 室Room  单元Unit  栋/号楼 Building 公寓楼 Apartment block 住宅小区 Residential quarter 路   Road 区   District 县   County 镇   Town 市   City 省    Province 沙坪坝区,陈家桥镇,桥北路,重庆一中分校区,学生公寓,408室. Room 408, student apartment ,Branch of Chongqing No.1 Middle School , Qiaobei Road, Chenjiaqiao Town, Shapingba District Reading A Lively City 4. Xia men is the most attractive place John has ever been to . Read the rest of the dialogue and fill in the blanks. JM : Look at that huge a____ b____. XL : The r____ for an apartment there is very h___ JM : I believe you! This area ‘s


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