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Unit 1 Women of achievement Reading 1965年获剑桥大学动物行为学博士学位。 1977年她建立了“简·古多尔人、动物与 环境研究所”。1991年, 她倡议并成立了 “根与芽”组织, 目的是使从幼儿园到大学 的年轻一代都能够行动起来, 为了环境、 动物和他们自己的社区创造一个更加美好 的世界。1995年, 被英国女王授予勋爵士。 1. Why do you think Jane is called a student of African wildlife? 2. What did Jane have to give up when she went to live in the forest? 3. Do you think it is important to study chimps in the wild rather than in a zoo? Give reasons. 2) observe vi. vt. 观察注意到 observe + n./pron./sb. doing/do sth/that从句 这位科学家一生都在观察星星。 The scientist has observed the stars all his life. 我看到一个陌生人正在进办公室。 I observed a stranger go/going into the office. 我注意到班上有几个学生睡着了。 I observed that several students were asleep in class. The main ideas of each paragraph Paragraph 1: How the group followed Jane’s way of studying chimps in the wild Paragraph 2: What Jane discovered about chimps Paragraph 3: How Jane tries to protect the lives of chimps in their natural habitat Paragraph 4: Jane’s achievements A student of African wildlife ↓ ⑴ ⑵ ⑶ ↓ ⑷ A day in the park Jane’s way to study chimps and her achievement. Her attitude to the animals She has achieved everything she wanted to do. Watching a family of chimps wake up Wander off into the forest (feed, clean each other) The mother chimp and her babies play in the tree Come into mother’s chimp arms, go to sleep together in their nest Para 1 The whole day Details of Para 1: ________: our group are all going to visit the _______ in the forest. 2. First activity: ____________________ 3. We sit and wait ______ the animal begin to ________ and move. 4. Then we follow ______ _______________ into the forest. 5. _______________: Jane ______ us that everything will be tired and dirty. 6. But the evening _____________________. 7. ___________: we ____ them _________________in their nest


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