高中英语选修六unit3 A healthy life listening and speaking.ppt

高中英语选修六unit3 A healthy life listening and speaking.ppt

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高中英语选修六unit3 A healthy life listening and speaking

Unit 3 A Healthy Life Listening Speaking What are they doing? Which activities are healthy while which are not? Overeating Spending too much time on computer Drinking alcohol Playing basketball Tick the things Sara is worried about. ( ) AIDS ( ) drugs ( ) noise ( ) smoking ( ) alcohol ( ) strangers ( ) money ( ) dancing ( ) orange juice ( ) rice 1. Just say “no”. You ______________ ________________________. 2. It’s OK to _____________________ ________________. 3. It would be a good idea to ____ _______________________________________________. 4. If someone offers you a cigarette, ___________. 5. Well, you’ll _______ learn. Let’s ___ ____________________________. Good suggestions on stopping smoking Set a date and time to stop, and stick to it! Talk with a doctor or chemist about something to help you. Throw away your last packet of cigarettes. Make a list of benefits you will get from stopping smoking. Do something else, like going for a walk. Do some relaxation exercises. Do not disappointed if you have to try several times before you finally stop smoking, just try again. * Warming up Task One Talking Unhealthy cigarette smoking Unhealthy Unhealthy taking drugs Stress dancing Healthy singing Healthy Swimming Healthy Taiji What’s a healthy life? Have a balanced diet. Stay physically active, like taking regular exercise Relax oneself after working hard. Keep your mind and body free from harmful drugs and alcohol. 5. Know how to get rid of pressure. What health issues do you think concern young people the most? Brainstorming health issues sexual health cigarette smoking drinking alcohol drug taking physical fitness(健美) stress AIDS and infections anxiety diet cancer Pre-listening Pre-listening Discussion: Suppose you are invited to have a party in a nightclub by your friends, would you like to go there? If not ,what are you worried about? While-


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