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第二章 并列句及复合句;观察下列句子特点: She works hard. She is my girl friend. I married her last year. She gave birth to a baby. She became old. I lost her. I met her again and smiled to her. She waited for me and said hello to me. She and I lived together again. ;1. 简单句;观察下列句子;2. 并列句;3. 复合句; 句子的分类(按结构);注意:;她考试不及格,我们感到很意外。 She didn’t pass the exam. We felt very surprised. She didn’t pass the exam, and we felt very surprised. She didn’t pass the exam, so we felt very surprised. She didn’t pass the exam, and it surprised us. She didn’t pass the exam, which surprised us. She didn’t pass the exam, making us surprised. Her not passing the exam surprised us. That she didn’t pass the exam surprised us. It surprised us that she didn’t pass the exam. It was surprising to us that she didn’t pass the exam. It was a surprise to us that she didn’t pass the exam.;她考试不及格,我们感到???意外。 Much to our surprise, she didn’t pass the exam. Surprisingly, she didn’t pass the exam. We were surprised that she didn’t pass the exam. We were surprised at her not passing the exam. We were surprised at the fact that she didn’t pass the exam. Due to/Owing to/As a result of/Because of her not passing the exam, we felt surprised. What surprised us was that she didn’t pass the exam.;when的三种结构;_____ many times, but the mistakes are still there. A. Being corrected B. Corrected C. Having been corrected D. They were corrected (08重庆32) The artist was born poor, ____ poor he remained all his life. A. and B. or C. but D.so ;Be careful, _______ you will make the same mistake again. A. and B. or C. otherwise D. 不填 2. One more minute, ________ I will finish it. A. and B. 不填 C. if D. but Being careful, _______ he is able to get full marks. A. and B. 不填 C. but D. while Much as he knows, _______ he doesn’t want to share with us. A. but B. so C. 不填


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