高二人教修订版下Unit 18课件.ppt

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高二人教修订版下Unit 18课件

be aware (of): We are not aware how long he has stayed here. Are you aware what we shall do this afternoon? I’m quite aware how you are feeing now. It happened without my being aware of it . Everybody is well aware of the importance of protecting wildlife. Para56:fill in the blanks 1. Good ideas are no _______. They are the result of a long process of ________________. 2. They all knew that for each new invention that w_____, there are ___________ that do not. 3. If we want to develop our _________ , we can try using some of the _________________ of the great and famous. accident trial and error orks at least ten creativity thinking strategies Conclusion: How do people come up with ideas for new inventions? Thinking habits: 1. think outside the box 2. take another look at it 3. make connections 4. keep trying Discussion Can you place examples in the right paragraph? 1. According to Leonardo da Vinci, problems which had seemed impossible could be solved if he changed the way he described the problem. 2. Thomas Edison made a rule saying that he had to make an invention every ten days . 3. Mozart wrote more than 600 pieces of music. 4. Einstein, who changed the world of physics forever with his Theory of Relativity, preferred images to numbers. 5. Samuel Morse, the man who invented the telegraph, got his ides by watching a rider exchange a tired horse for a mew one. para2 think outside of the box Para5 keep trying para5 Para3Take another look at it Para4 make connections Team work In your opinion , are some people born creative or it’s possible to learn how to be creative? Give some examples. 2. Discuss “Good ideas are no accident.” with your partners. Writing Imagine that you are an inventor who has created a wonderful mew device, Choose one of the devices from the box below (or use your own ideas) and write a short essay in which you describe the device and explain its possible uses. A device that translates Chinese into English A new energy


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