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重点句型 ····terrified people died every time there was an outbreak. Line 6 every time 作连词,引导时间状语从句,不用加when类似的用法有:1) every time;each time; next time; the first/ second/ last time. eg: Every time I see him, he is working hard. Next time you come, I will show you around our school. The first time I came to Lingshan, I got lost. He was much better the last time I saw him. 其他类似连词:the moment, the minute, the second,immediately“一···就···” He was out the moment I got to his house. I recognized you the minute I saw you. ---When did he leave the classroom? ---He left ____ you turned back to write on the blackboard. the minute B. the time C. until D. before 根据中文提示,完成下列句子 (1)每次我去找他,他都在专心看书。__________I went to see him, he was absorbed in reading. (2)我一见到她就把这本书给了她。 I gave the book to her ____________I saw her. Every time the moment 2. suggest vt. 建议, 提议;暗示,表明 The first suggested that cholera multiplied…Line 10 The second suggested that people absorbed …line12 He suggested that the source of all water supplies should be examined…line46 表明,暗示 1.suggest表建议 suggest doing sth suggest that sb (should) do sth 2.表暗示,表明 suggest that…(时态视具体情况而定) 我建议讲英语。 I suggest _________(speak) English. 医生建议她改天再来。 The physician suggested that she____________ (come) another day. Her red face suggested that she ______(have) a severe cold. speaking (should) come had 完成下列句子: The smile on his face suggests that _____________________.(他通过了考试) The doctor suggested that ______________________. (他该戒烟了) His pale face suggests that ________________ .(他生病了) he has passed the exam he should give up smoking he is ill My brother’s pale face suggested that he ____ ill, and my parents suggested that he ____ a medical examination. be; should have B. was; have C. should be; had D. was; has Revision put forward draw a conclusion expose sb. to sth. cure sb of sth be absorbed in be to blame blame sb for sth blame sth on sb link… to 提出 得出结论 把某人暴露给… 治好某人…


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