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Review 私人谈话 去看戏 大声说话 生气 生某人的气 转身 注意….. 就坐 不关你的事 有个好位置 出差 最后 上星期我去看戏。 我的座位很好。 戏很有意思。 (但)我却无法欣赏。 一青年男子与一青年女子坐在我的身后。 他们大声地说着话。 我非常生气, (因为)我听不见演员在说什么。 我回过头去。怒视着那一男一女。 他们却毫不理会。 最后,我忍不住了。 我又一次回过头去,生气地说:“我一个字也听不见了!” “不关你的事,”那男的粗鲁地说,“这是私人间的谈话!” I saw many birds in the wetland. 五大基本句型 一、主语系动词表语 1.Mr.Brown is an engineer 二、主语———谓语动词 1.The sun is rising. 三、主语———谓语动词———宾语 I like swimming. 四、主语———谓语动词———宾语———宾语 He handed me a letter. He handed a letter to me. 五、主语———谓语动词———宾语———宾语补足语.He found his new job boring. Breakfast or lunch Lesson 2 【New words 】 ★until prep. 直到 2.在否定句中,它通常与描述短暂动作的动词连用表示“直到……才”: ★repeat v. 重复 1. Don’t behave(举止) so r ________. I can’t b_______ you. 2. I didn’t quite catch you. Would you please r ________? 3. Shall we meet o_________ the school gate at 2 o’clock this afternoon? 4. Please pay a ____________ to your pronunciation. 5. He got very a_______ and shut the door a____________. 6. I didn’t go to bed u________ 12 o’clock last night. 7. The bell is r__________ now. It’s time for class. 8. Your father’s sister is youre a_________. 9. He’s gone to Beijing on b_____________(出差) 10. Shall we go to the t ____________ tomorrow evening? There is a new play on show. 1.?I?didn’t?tell?her?the?truth.?She?was?very?a__________.?? 2.?These?are?my?p__________?letters.?You?can’t?read?them.?? 3.?I’ve?got?a?headache.?I?can’t?b__________?it.?? 4.?She?shut?the?door?r__________?and?went?out.?? 5.?This?is?not?your?s__________.?You?can’t?sit?here.?? 6.??The?girl?didn’t?pay?a_________?to?the?teacher.?? 7.?I?don’t?know.?It’s?none?of?my?b__________.?? 8.?This?famous?p_________?was?written?by?Shakespeare.?? 9.?“Who?has?broken?my?glass?”?he?asked?a_________.?? 10.?Take?an?umbrella,?Sam.?It?is?raining?o_________.?? 11.?I?didn’t?hear?you.?Could?you?r__________?your?question?? 12.?We?waited?u_________?ten?o’clock?last?night.?? 13.?That?woman?is?my?a_________.?She?is?my?mother


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