新概念第二册lesson52 A pretty carpet概要1.ppt

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新概念第二册lesson52 A pretty carpet概要1

Revision lesson 52 move into? get a big surprise? get / put … in order? gaze at? to make matters worse? for some time? at the moment? in one’s spare time every inch? Mr. White works with a chemicals import export company, but he ____ for the industrial fair, since he is on leave. has worked works has been working is working Jack ____ from home for two days now, and I am beginning to worry about his safety. A. has been missing B. has been missed C. had been missing D. was missed 【Special Difficulties】 形容词、相应的副词及其用法: 许多副词,特别是表示方式的副词,皆由形容词加-ly构成,如easy(容易的)/easily(容易地),beautiful(漂亮的)/beautifully(漂亮地)。一些频度副词也如此构成,如usual(通常)/usually(通常地)。还有少数几个表示程度及观点的副词也都以-ly结尾:high(高的)/highly(高度地),real(真的)/really(真正的)。 大多数形容词加 “ly” 变为副词 : 如 beautiful--beautifully,但是不是所有的形容词都可以加ly (asleep);不是所有的副词都一定以ly结尾(late);不是所有的加ly的都是副词(lovely) 有些副词虽然由形容词加-ly构成,但在意义上与其相应的形容并不相同,如hard(勤奋的,困难的)/hardly(几乎不),cold(冷的)/coldly(冷淡的),late(迟到的,晚的)/lately(最近,近来),near(近的,接近的)/nearly(几乎,差不多,差点儿)。 有些副词有两种形式。有的意义相同,如cheap(廉价的)/cheaply(廉价地),但有的意义不同如late(迟,晚)/lately(近来),hard(努力地,猛烈地)/hardly(几乎不)。 lateadj. , adv. 迟 ; lately adv. 近来(=recently) hardadj. , adv. 努力地(表示程度深), 困难地(=difficult) ;hardly几乎不 highadj.高的 ,〈adv.高度地 ;highly〈adv. 高度地 (不能用尺度测量的, 抽象的) deepadj. , adv. 深的; deeply 〈adv. 深度地 (不能用尺度测量的, 抽象的) nearadj. , adv. 在旁边的 ;nearly 〈adv. 几乎, 将近 有些副词在形式上与形容词相同,如fast,past,far等。 大多数方式副词的位置一般在宾语或动词前面,表示时间的副词常位于句尾,有时也可位于句首。程度副词,如almost,enough,hardly,nearly,quite,rather,too等,大部分用在它们所修饰的动词之前。 副词修饰动词(walk quickly), 形容词(very beautiful), 副词词性本身(very much), 还可以修饰句子 Quite and Quiet quite adv. 完全,相当,很 I’m quite ready. 我已全准备好了。 Are you quite certain? 你敢完全肯定吗? quiet adj. 安静的,平静的,静止的,寂静的 The sea was very quiet this morning. 今天上午上海很平静。 The house became quiet again when the children were gone. Where has the writer just moved to? How long has he been working? What has he been trying to do? Has this been difficult? Why? Is the room big or small? Where has he put his books? What does he have to do if he want


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