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评述 大尺度介观电学输运在纳米结构石墨烯中的实现 2013-05-03收到 † email:sheng@ust.hk 张海婧 沈平1 1,2,† DOI:10.7693/w (1 香港科技大学物理学系 香港九龙清水湾) (2 香港科技大学高等研究院 香港九龙清水湾) Large-scale mesoscopic transport in nanostructured graphene ZHANG Hai-Jing1 SHENG Ping1,2 ,† (1 Department of Physics and William Mong Institute of Nano Science and Technology ,HKUST , Clear Water Bay ,Kowloon ,Hong Kong ,China) (2 Institute for Advanced Study,Hong Kong University of Science and Technology ,Clear Water Bay ,Kowloon ,Hong Kong ,China) 摘 要 Anderson局域化是量子波动性导致的最重要的物理现象之一。 Anderson局域化理论原是对电子体系提出的,但是由于电子波动性只在很小的 范围内(即相位相干长度内)有效,使得Anderson局域化的观测成为一个难点。 在文章中,作者报道了在纳米结构石墨烯中首次观测到的二维Anderson强局域 化现象。更重要的是作者找到了使电子相位相干长度增长至少一个量级的方 法,使得电子的相位可以更容易地被操控。作者用尺寸标度方法得到三组局域 化长度分别为 1.1,2.0和3.4mm。局域化长度随磁场的变化和理论预测符合得 非常好。大尺度介观电学输运,表现为并行于二维变程跳跃电导的另一通 道。低温下(T25K)观测到费米能级附近存在的库仑准能隙抑制了电子与电子 间的非弹性散射,从而使得相位相干长度增长到10mm。 关键词 纳米结构石墨烯,介观输运, Anderson强局域化,标度理论, 库仑准能隙 Abstract Anderson localization is one of the most important physical phenomena caused by the wave nature of quantum particles. It was originally proposed for the electronic system,but never clearly observed because the wave nature of electrons is usually only manifest at extremely small dis- tances,denoted the dephasing length,and therefore making the observation very difficult. In this arti- cle we report the first observation of Anderson localization in 2 dimensions,on nanostructured gra- phene. Perhaps more important is the fact that we have discovered a way to enhance the dephasing length of electrons,by at least one order of magnitude,so that the electron phase may now be more easi- ly manipulated. In this article,we use exponential sample-s


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