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第 20 卷 第 4 期 微 量 元 素 与 健 康 研 究 2003 年  8 月  Vol. 20    No. 4         Studies of Trace Elements and Health            Aug.  2003 大气中铅的石墨炉原子吸收法分析 张新卫 ( 中国冶金地质勘查工程总局一局实验室 ,北京 东燕郊  065201) 摘要 : 铅是有毒金属 ,它能引起几乎所有器官系统的功能紊乱 ,尤其是血液和神经系统。环境中的铅经口或 呼吸进入人体后 ,被血液输送至各组织。大气中的铅是环境及卫生监测的重要指标 ,准确测定大气中铅的含 量显得特别重要。我国规定大气中铅的卫生标准为 0 0015 mg/ m3 。采用国产石墨炉原子吸收氘灯扣背景技 术 ,在无基体掩蔽剂的条件下 ,测定方法简便 ,分析速度快 ,结果令人满意。 关键词 : 铅 ;大气 ;石墨炉原子吸收 ( ) 中图分类号: O657. 31  文献标识码 : A  文章编号 : 1005 - 5320 2003 04 - 0043 - 02 The graphite stove atom absorb la w of lead is analysed in the atmosphere ZHANG Xin - wei ( China metallurgy geoglogy is investigate total one innings of laboratory in the bureau of the engi ) neering examining , Beijin g eastern Yan Jiao  065201 , China Abstract : Lead is a poisonous metal , which can cause the disorder of nearly all the organ systems. especially blood and nervous sys tem. The lead in the enviroment invading the body through the mouth and breath is sent to various tissues by the blood. The lead in the atmosphere is the important supervisored index by the enviroment and sanitation , so it is extremely important to survey its content 3 in the atmosphere correctly. Our country makes it a rule that hygienic Criterion of the lead in the atmosphere is 0 0015 mg/ m . It is simple and easy to measure it and quick to analyze it in the condition of the agent is screened to the inorganic aspect with the te


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