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第 39 卷 第 10 期 电力系统保护与控制 Vol.39 No.10 2011 年5 月16 日 Power System Protection and Control May 16, 2011 电力系统信息安全研究综述 1 1 2 李文武 ,游文霞 ,王先培 (1.三峡大学电气与新能源学院,湖北 宜昌 443002;2.武汉大学电子信息学院,湖北 武汉 430072) 摘要:为提高电力信息系统防范攻击能力,实现安全运行,对电力系统信息安全研究进行综述。分析了生产控制系统、行政 管理系统和市场营销系统三类电力信息系统以及开放互联电力信息系统的特点及面临的安全威胁,总结并评述了国内外对电 力信息系统安全技术和安全管理的研究现状。根据电力信息系统的特点及安全要求,指出未来应重点对生产控制系统信息安 全、互联电力信息系统信息安全和安全管理开展研究,并指出了具体研究方向。 关键词:电力信息系统;信息安全;安全威胁;生产控制系统;安全管理 Survey of cyber security research in power system 1 1 2 LI Wen-wu ,YOU Wen-xia ,WANG Xian-pei (1. College of Electrical Engineering and Reusable Energy,China Three Gorges University,Yichang 443002 ,China ; 2. School of Electronic Information,Wuhan University ,Wuhan 430072 ,China ) Abstract :Cyber security research in power system is reviewed to prevent attacking and guarantee power information systems safe operation.The characteristics and security threats of production control systems,management information systems,market operation systems and open interconnected power information system are analyzed,and research status at home and abroad related to cyber security in power system is surveyed from technology and management views .Based on the characteristics and security demands of power information systems,it suggests that the study on the cyber security and security management in production control system and interconnected power information system should be focused in the future, and the concrete research direction is pointed out. This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No..


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