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肿瘤防治研究2007年第34卷第12期 ·955· 5 406例不同类型食管肿瘤临床病理特征 对比分析 赵一电 ,郭 梅 ,杨海军 ,闫学芳 Analysis of Clinicopathological Characteristics for Different Histological Type of Esophage- al Neoplasm ZHAO Yi—dian ,GUO Mei ,YANG Hai-j un2,YAN Xue-fang2 1.Depantment of Radiotherapy,Anyang Cancer Hospital of Henan Province,Anyang 455000,China, 2.DP加rtment of Pathology Abstract:Objective To explore the clinicopathological characteristics for different histological type of e— sophageal neoplasms(EN).Methods To observe the rate of each typical ENs’S early stages(ES),the rate of lymph node metastasis(LNM),and feature of its distribution,5 406 patients with ENs were retrO— spectively reviewed.Results Twenty-nine patients were concurrent cancer,other patients suffered from single esophagueal disease.The rate of squamous carcinoma,adeno-squamous carcinoma and adenocarci— noma was 95.5 ,1.8 and 0.5 ,respectively,the others was 4%.The rates of ES and LNM were 9.1 and 39.6%.The difference of the rate of ES and LNM between each type was not significant(Z。= 7.384,12.677;P=0.597,0.178).But the rate of LNM was significant different between smal1 cel1 carci— noma and squamous carcinoma(Pd0.05).Conclusion Most of EN were found in middle segment,squa— mous carcinoma was absolute major EN,the following was adeno-squamous carcinoma,smal1 cel1 carcino— ma.adeno-carcinoma and carcinosarcoma.The rate of LNM of smal1 cel1 carcinoma was significant differ— ent from squamous carcinoma ’S.The rate of ENs and LNM in each age’S had no significant difference. Key words:Esophagea1 neoplasm;Histology type;Lym ph node metastasis 摘 要:目的 探讨小细胞癌、癌肉瘤等少见食管肿瘤以及小年龄组食管肿瘤的临床病理特征。方法 回顾性分析5 406例食管肿瘤术后的病理诊断结果,观察各种肿瘤的早诊率、淋巴结转移率及年龄分布 情况,对比分析所见各种食管肿瘤的特点。结果 5 406例中29例双原癌(同时合并贲门腺癌);5 377 例均为单发食管肿瘤,其中鳞癌95.5%,腺鳞癌1.8 ,腺癌0.5 ,其他类型4 。全部病例中早诊率为 9.1 ,淋巴结转移率为39.6 。各型早诊率和淋巴结转移率之间差异无显著性( =7.384,12.677;P =0.597,0.178)。小细胞癌与鳞癌的淋巴结转移率之间差异有显著性( =4.704,P=0.0


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