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中国医学影像技术2007年第23卷第12期 Chin J Med Imaging Technol,2007,Vol 23,No 12 · 1809· Carotid plaque~arotid plaque imaging high resolution M ging:…: 一 一 ’ ‘ 一一R lmagin’ ging with 3--inch surface coil LI Ming—li ,ZHUⅥ一cheng ,FENG Feng’,YOU Hui’,HULing ,JJN Zheng—yu (1.Department of Radiology,2.Department of Neurology,Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Peking Union Medical College,Beijing 100730,China) [Abstract] Objective To study the value of 3-inch surface coil in MR imaging of carotid plaques.Methods Thirty—three patients with atherosc1erosis underwent MR imaging with a 1.5-T system (Signa Excite HD)and two 3-inch coil.A stand— ardized protocol was performed to obtain 4 different contrast—weighted images(3D TOF,T1,and PD/T2一weighted)of the carotid arteries.An image~quality rating(5-point scale:1=poor,5一excellent)for each sequence was evaluated by two radi— ologists.Also 4 components of carotid plaque were analyzed based on 4 sequences.Results Totally 264 sequences(bilateral carotid arteries)were reviewed.Images with image quality≤2 were found in only 27 sequences(10.2 ),and images with quality≥4 were found in 147 sequences(55.7 ).Images with image~quality≥3 were included for plaque analysis,including 50 carotid arteries.Among them 32 plaques were found in 20 patients.Components analysis demonstrated 1 6 plaques with unambiguous lipid—rich/necrotic core(LR/NC),10 plaques with hemorrhage,1 5 plaques with calcification and 5 plaques with ruptured fibrous cap.The inter-reader agreement(Kappa,95 CI)was excellent for evaluation of LR/NC(0.81;0.61 to 1.01),hemorrhage(0.86;0.66 to 1.04),calcification(0.87;0.70 to 1.00),and moderate for evaluation of ruptured fi— brous cap(0.45;0.05 to 0.85).Conclusion High—resolution MR imaging with 3-inch surface c


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