如何写好读写任务的主题句 - 副本.ppt

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如何写好读写任务的主题句 - 副本

Leading-in Read the passage based on the following content within 20 seconds and then judge whether it’s good or bad and give your reasons. 以约120个词就“大学招生”这个话题谈谈你的看法,内容包括: (1)你对大学利用美女、帅哥打招生广告的看法; (2)你会根据大学哪些条件来决定报读; (3)你希望在大学结识什么样的人。(2014茂名一模) 综合运用 2011年茂名一模读写任务 以120词就“The price of beauty”为题进行议论, 内容包括: (1)分析中国整容手术的 及青少年进 行整容手术的原因。 (2)分析整容手术带来的危害。 (3)你认为怎样对待自己的外貌 。 读写任务技巧调拨 读写任务主题句(一) (1)明示观点 (1)你对考试作弊的看法(2011揭阳二模) ____________________________________________________________________________________ (2)你如何看待她的捐助行为?(2014广东高考) __________________________________________________________________________ 常用句型 常用句型: 我认为…… From my point of view/From where I stand,…… As far as I’m concerned,…… I hold the view that/belief that….. Personally, I believe that…… (2)肯否明确: (1)你是否赞成文中对出国留学的看法?(赞成) _______________________________________ (2)你对高中生带手机到学校有什么看法?(反对) ______________________________________________________________________________ 常用句型 表赞成 I (do) agree with the statement that… I am in favor of the idea that… I approve of the idea that… I am firmly convinced that… I can’t agree more with what the writer said. 表反对 I disapprove of the idea that… I disagree with the idea that… I am opposed to the idea that… In some way, I agree with what the writer said, but…. (3)复述要点: 实战演练: (1)保持好心情的重要性(2014茂名二模) ______________________________________________________________________ (2)你的爱好对你的学习或生活等有什么影响?(2014揭阳二模) ________________________________________________________________________ 常用句型 More people attach great importance to …... …… is playing an increasingly important role in our daily life. Nothing in the world is more important than ……. It is of great importance to ……. People are coming to realize the importance of …… The significance of …..cannot be overvalued. (4)引出经历: 你是否也遇过类似的情况?(2014汕头一模“真诚的回报”) __________________________________________________________________________ 叙述一次你真实或虚拟的“施助于人”的经历。(2014肇庆一模) ______________________________________


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