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2008年1月 首 都 体 育 学 院 学 报 January.2008 第2O卷 第1期 Journal of Capital Institute of Physical Education Vo1.2O No.1 中外优秀男子三级跳远运动员跨步跳技术的比较 A Comparative Research on the Step-j ump Skill of Elite Male Triple Jumpers Home and Abroad 刘生杰 ,刘虎平 LIU Sheng-j ie ,LIU H u—ping 摘 要:男子三级跳远曾是我国的优势项目,但近年来,我国男子三级跳远成绩出现了 徘徊不前,甚至倒退的困难局面。要尽快改变这种落后的局面,就必须认真总结经验, 找出科学的方法。跨步跳是三级跳远中最关键的一跳,它起到了承前启后的作用,它的 技术优劣时三级跳远成绩影响最大,也是衡量三级跳远技术的主要标志。试图从三级 跳远的跨步跳技术特点出发,对我国优秀男子三级跳远运动员与世界优秀三级跳远运 动员进行运动学比较分析,以进一步寻找我国男子三级跳远运动员在此技术方面存在 的问题,为改进跨步跳技术,提高运动成绩提供参考依据。 关键词:三级跳远;跨步跳;运动学;比较研究 中图分类号:G823.4 文章编号:10O9—783X(20O8)O1一O114一O3 文献标识码:A Abstract:Male triple jump used tO be a predominant item in China.But it is faced with a difficult situation or is even retrogressing in recent years.In order tO change the current situation,experiences must be generalized and scientific methods must be found.Step- jump is the most pivotal part in triple jump as it serves as the link between the previous step and the next step.Its quality of performance has the most significant influence over the final result of triple jump,and it is also the main indication in scaling the level of skill of triple jump.From the aspect of the characteristics of step_jump skills in triple jump, the authors of this essay try tO conduct a comparative analysis by kinematics on the elite male triple jumpers home and abroad and find out the problems in the skills for the Chi— nese male triple j umpers SO as to offer references for improving the triple j ump skill and the athletic results. Key words:Triple jump;Step-jump;Kinematics;Comparati


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