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第一章 Universities must teach in a student-sensitive manner and offer, shopping-mall style, a great variety of courses that will attract as many students as possible. 大学的教学必须顾及学生的需求,要以购物中心的方式提供多门课程其吸引尽可能多的学生。 However, scientifically talented young Americans are contributing articles in scientific and technical journals that are cited in excess of the United States world share. 然而,美国有科学天赋的年轻人为科技刊物撰写的文章被大量引用,超过了美国论文在世界上被引用的比例。 This is attributed to the fact that schools in the United States do not require higher-level science classes ,and teachers, instead of fostering understanding of new concepts ,tend to simply state them。 这归因于美国的学校不要求高水平的自然科学课,教师们不是致力于帮助学生理解新概念而是倾向于简单的照本宣科。 American may be considered as either a land of opportunity in which talents flourish in ways that are difficult at home or as a sly merchant who lures the best and the brightest by paying more and offering better laboratory facilities. 或许既可以把美国看作一个充满机会的国家,有天分的人在本国不得志而在此可尽展才华,也可以把美国看作一个狡猾的商人,以提供更高的薪水和更好的实验设备去诱惑那些最优秀和最聪明的人才。 Unit 3-1 Adventures In shopping In my mid-teens, the shiny new mall on the outskirts of my hometown promised my best friend and me Friday nights and Saturdays full of bright neon logos, the sound of an indoor waterfall, the scent of chocolate chip cookies and plenty of fabrics to touch and clothes to try on. 在我十五六岁的时候,家乡郊区新开的一家明亮的购物中心,使得我和我最要好的朋友每周五晚上和周六都能看到许多明亮的霓虹灯招牌,听到室内瀑布的水声,闻到巧克力脆片饼干的香味,还可以摸摸各种面料和试穿一些服装。 Overshadowed by deadlines, social outings and the desire to just stay home and stare at the walls I pay to live inside, shopping for me has become an obligatory chore that steals from my precious not-so-free time. 由于我要做许多在规定时间内必须完成的事情, .要外出参加社会活动,以及只想待在家里、瞪着眼睛看着自己付了钱的居室四壁,购物对于我来说就不那么重要了,它已经变成我从宝贵的时间里忙里偷闲不得不做的家务活儿。 Savvy retailers have watched the waning attention spans of people like me ,heeded competition from technology such as the Internet and realized the time dearth today’s families are facing. 精明的零售商们已经看到,一些像我这样对购物越来越没有兴趣的人,也注意到来自因特网这样的科技竞争,并且了解到现代家庭所面临的时间不够用的问题。 Reta



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