研究生英语research report展示(Education between China and Britain )概要1.ppt

研究生英语research report展示(Education between China and Britain )概要1.ppt

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研究生英语research report展示(Education between China and Britain )概要1

Company Logo Company Logo Company Logo Company Logo Company Logo China PK Britain PPT制作人:XXX Report书写:XXX 视频处理:XXX 组织协调:XXX 外国友人联络:XXX Company Logo We are ready! Are you ready? 小组成员照片插入区 5 4 3 2 1 公映许可证 电审数字[2012]第38号 国家广播电影电视总局电影管理局 FILM BUREAU STATE ADMINISTRATION OF RADIO FILM TV Group 8 Thank you for your watching! 短视频插入区 Group 8 Contents Introduction 1 Methods 2 Results 3 Discussion 4 The significance of the topic Significance Why do we choose education as the topic of our research? Introduction Methods Results Discussion Brief Introduction Introduction State School System Independent School System British Education System(high school) ·Grammar schools ·Comprehensive secondary schools ·Secondary modern schools ·Public schools Significance Methods Results Discussion Brief Introduction Introduction Britain is the only country in Europe in which physical punishment (体罚)is exercised at the present time in spite of the fact most of the teachers are against it and in favor of abolishing it. 合法 Significance Methods Results Discussion Brief Introduction Introduction Chinese Education System(high school) Methods Significance Results Discussion Methods of Our Research Methods Talking about lifestyle and living environment Focus on the differences between Chinese education and British education Discuss the significance of our research with our group member. 1 2 3 Significance Introduction Results Discussion Results of Our Research Results China Britain Master fundamental knowledge Most of the time students study the textbook Students are usually lack of practical ability. Study Creativity Most of time , students have a wide range of knowledge Lots of knowledge comes from practice. Methods Significance Introduction Discussion Discussion about Our Research Discussion All in all, there are many differences between China and British education and each has its strong points and weak points. We should reject the dross and absorb the cream of them (取其精华,去其糟


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