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2014——2015学年 大学生寒假社会实践活动调研报告(论文) 题目: 年年过,过年年 学生姓名: 小 红 学 号: 201707070707 学 院: 机电工程学院 专 业: 自填 指导教师: 某某 2015 年 2 月18日 陕西科技大学2014-2015学年大学生寒假社会实践活动评分表 姓名: 班级: 学号 论文 评比 标准 (共100分) 项目 得分 规范性:(占20分) 论文格式符合要求(20分) 科学性:(占30分) 理论基础和研究方法(10分) 论据的严密性与论据可靠性(10分) 论据的正确性(10分) 先进性:(占30分) 创新程度(10分) 难易程度(10分) 学术水平(10分) 现实意义:(占20分) 经济效益与社会效益(10分) 影响范围(10分) 论文得分 答辩 评分 标准 (共100分) 服饰大方,礼貌得体(5分) 言辞畅达,表意清晰(10分) PPT或视频制作效果良好(10分) 活动主题鲜明,有立意(30分) 实践感受深刻(20分) 实践成果有亮点(15分) 回答评委和观众提问效果好(10分) 答辩得分 总分 (注:总分=论文成绩X60%+答辩成绩X40%) EVERY YEAR HAD, EVERY YEAR EXPERIENCE –OURNEW YEAR ABSTRACT The year for many years deep in the seabed, every New Year’s Eve climbed out, devouring livestock and attacking people. Therefore, every new years eve day, walled villages, people young and old fled to the mountains to escape the beasts damage. This new years Eve, peach blossom village, young people are the mountain refuge, from a village outside begging the old man, I saw his hand, leaning on a cane, arm take bag, silver to be graceful, nianchuxi star. Some villagers sealed Windows locked, packing, some cows goats, renhanmasi, panic rush scene. At this point, who wants to shine on this old man who beg. Village head only one old lady to the food, and urged him to speed up the mountain to escape the beast, the old man smiled stroking beard: mother-in-law if I stayed at home all night, and I have the beast out. Head scared the old lady a closer look; see his Ruddy complexion, a green, bearing out of the ordinary. But she still continues to persuasion, begging the old man smiling without a Word. Mother-in-law had to leave home and mountain refuge. The middle of the night, beast broke into the village. It found the village atmosphere and in previous years: the village old mother-in-law home put big re


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