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第12卷 第2期 光 散 射 学 报 V o 12 N o 2 2000年4月 CH IN ESE JOU RNAL O F L IGHT SCA TTER IN G A p r 2000    ( ) 文章编号: 1004- 5929 2000 02- 071 紫外拉曼光谱及其在催化研究中的应用 熊 光, 李 灿 ( 中国科学院大连化学物理研究所催化基础国家重点实验室, 大连 116023) 摘 要: 本文介绍了紫外拉曼光谱及其在催化研究中的应用。研究内容包括积炭, 担载型过渡 金属氧化物, 分子筛, 杂原子分子筛中骨架杂原子的识别和有机物的单层分散等。由于避开荧 光干扰和使用较短波长的激发线提高了拉曼光谱的灵敏度和信噪比, 特别是利用拉曼共振效 应, 不但灵敏度大幅度提高, 而且与紫外吸收相关的局部结构被选择地鉴别。紫外拉曼光谱拓 宽了拉曼光谱在催化, 生物化学和材料科学等领域的应用。 关键词: 紫外拉曼; 催化剂表征; 积炭失活; 氧化物; 分子筛; 杂原子分子筛 中图法分类号: O 65737 文献标识码:A UV Raman Spectroscopy and Its Appl ication s in Catalysis X ION G Guang, L I Can (S tate K ey L aboratory of Cataly sis, D alian Institu te of Chem ical P hy sics , Ch inese A cad em y of S ciences, D alian  116023, Ch ina) Abstract: UV R am an spectroscopy and its app lications in catalysis are introduced. UV R am an spectroscopy has been successfully app lied to study a num ber of important p roblem s in catalysis, such as coke deposition , supported transition m etal oxides, zeolites, identification of fram ework m etal atom s in zeolites and . organic compounds dispersed on supports UV R am an spectra w ith excellent signal to noise are obtained due to the lack of fluorescence interference at the shorter w avelength s of excitation. In addition , w ith the resonance R am an effect, not only is the sensitivity greatly enhanced, but also the local structural . inform ation on the UV visible absorbing


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