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专 题 传 统 园 林 研 究 明代江南园林造园手法在现代园林设计中的应用探究——以无锡锡惠公园设计为例 The Application of Design Skills of Jiangnan Gardens of Ming Dynasty in the Modern Landscape Design —Case Study of the Design of Xihui Park in Wuxi 何翔宇 / HE Xiang-yu 摘 要:通过分析总结明朝江南园林的造园理念和造园手法,并比较了明清两大名园,介绍了明朝造园技巧的可取之处。分析了我 国当代园林设计与明代江南园林的内在联系,指出明代江南造园手法在现代园林设计中有所延续和发展。以无锡锡惠公园设计为例, 从空间组织、建筑设计、景观小品、植物配置等多个角度将明朝江南园林的造园手法如何在现代园林设计中加以应用做了详细的阐述 和介绍。借此对我国现代园林追溯的本源做了思考和回答,即明代江南园林心怀人本的设计思想,通过其自然厚朴的表达手法来表现 现代景观的生态性、质朴性以及以人为本的理念。这也是我国现代园林所追求的方向——以人为本、简约美观、自然生态。 关 键 词:风景园林;江南园林;造园手法;园林设计;锡惠公园;明代 文章编号:1000-6664(2013)08-0064-06 中图分类号:TU 986 文献标志码:A 收稿日期:2013-05-06; 修回日期:2013-06-08 Abstract: The paper is divided into four parts. First it started from southern gardens of the Ming Dynasty, and analyzed and summarized the Ming Jiangnan gardening ideas and gardening practices. By the analysis of two major Ming and Qing gardens, it compared the similarities and differences between the gardening practices, highlighting the merits of the Ming gardening skills. Secondly, the contemporary landscape design and the intrinsic link of the Southern gardens of the Ming Dynasty was analyzed, and it pointed out that the conclusion of the Ming Jiangnan gardening practices was continued and developed in the modern garden design. Then with the case study of Wuxi Xihui Park design, from the point of view of spatial organization, architectural design, landscape sketch, and plant configuration, how Southern gardening practices of the Ming Dynasty applied in modern garden design were elaborated and introduced in detail. The origin that Chinese mode


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