精密压阻弹性体及力敏传感器阵列3 - 传感技术学报.pdf

精密压阻弹性体及力敏传感器阵列3 - 传感技术学报.pdf

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精密压阻弹性体及力敏传感器阵列3 - 传感技术学报

第 22 卷  第 11 期 传 感 技 术 学 报 Vol . 22  N o . 11 2009 年 11 月 CHIN ES E J OU RNAL OF S EN SORS AND AC TUA TORS N ov . 2009 Precious Piezoresistance Elastomer and Pressure Sensitive Sensor Arrays 1 1 1 2 2 2 D ON G Wei , Z E N G Peng , B A L ong , W U J uy i ng , H UA N G Yu hong , M E I J un 1 S t ate Key L aboratory of B ioelect ronics , S out heas t Uni vers ity , N anj i ng 2 10096 , Chi na; 2 I ns t it ute of S t ruct u ral M echanics , Chi na A ca demy of Eng i neeri ng P hy s ics , M i any an S ich uan 62 1900 , Chi na Abstract :Rut henium nanop article s , fabricat ed by u sing polyol met ho d were t her mall o xided for yiel ding ru t henium o xide nanocry st al s. By mixing t he nanop article s of nano size r ut henium and it s o xide wit h silico ne rubber and vulcanization ,t he co mpo sit e exhibit s excellent piezore si st ant sen sitivit y and rep ro ducibilit y . The mea surement s of piezore si st ance on variou s size elect ro de s show t hat t he mat erial ha s a st able and rep eat able load sen sitive re si st ance variation above size limit of millimet er . The elect ro de ar ray s and elect ronic cir cuit s for t he mea surement of p lanar st re ss di st ribution have been fabricat ed . The piezore si st ance an d relaxa tion curve s for t he rep ro ducin g load on t he element s were fit tin g by mea suring t he piezore si st ance and re si st ance relaxation p lot s. The load on t he element s wa s cor rect ed and t he load di st ribution o n t he ar ray s wa s mea sured . The re sult s show t hat t he m


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