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读写任务 主题句展开模式 Lets compare 要求以约120个词用英语给你妈妈回信,内容包括: (1)你读信后的感受; (2)你是否赞同你妈妈的观点,并陈述理由; (3)你对妈妈的承诺。 考生一: 从这位同学的写作内容来看,思想贫乏。什么很抱歉?为什么使母亲担心?实际上可继续展开一句,但他却没继续发挥。 考生二: 这位同学首先表达了其感受,点明了主题:“我被妈妈的话深深的感动了,对母亲的感激无以言表”。接着表达感动的原因来拓展话题,思路清晰,内容充实,容易得到评卷老师的偏爱。 如何写拓展句??? 拓展句的常用法有: 1.正反式 2.递进式/举例式 3.相关式 4.细化主题 5.说明原因/结果 6.举例说明(叙述他人经历) 如:(1) 11年广州一模要求就“诚信的重要性”的主题发表看法,要点(1)你读后的感受; 诚信之人:受他人尊重;事业成功;获得朋友支持;对学习生活重要。 An honest person will be respected by others and got great success no matter in his business or daily life... 无诚信之人:失去名声,信任,影响...... A dishonest person will lose his fame and trust from others, which has great influence on his life. (主题句-感受)After reading the story ,I feel it is important to be honest. (拓展句)It’s obvious that an honest person will definitely win the respect from others, which is of great importance in our study and daily life, let alone in the business world. However, a dishonest person will lose his fame and trust from others sooner or later. No matter how intelligent he is, dishonesty will ruin his future. (2)谈谈勇于认错和道歉的重要性。 勇于认错:得到原谅,重建友谊,深化关系。 If we brave to admit misakes and apologize sincerely, others will forgive us,and the relationship will be built up again.... 拒绝道歉/认错:不被他人接受及原谅,不断犯错。 If we refuse to admit our mistakes or apologize, we will make mistakes again and again, which will let others be away from us. (主题句---重述要点)Since nobody is perfect and everybody may make mistakes, it is of great importance for us to deal with mistakes properly whenever we are mistaken. (拓展句)As they say, denying a fault doubles it. If we refuse to admit our mistakes when we are wrong, we will not be accepted and forgiven by others. On the contrary, if we admit mistakes and apologize sincerely, others will be likely to forgive us, which makes us close to each other. Practice 1. 谈谈你对压力的看法。 (主题句)Pressure has both advantages and disadvantages.(拓展1利)On the one hand,a certain amount of pressure can encourage us,inspire us and promote us. (拓展2弊) On the other hand,


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