魔术英语 大学英语四级词汇.doc

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魔术英语 大学英语四级词汇

魔术英语 大学英语四级词汇 Part 1 单词记忆+听力突破 风景状物 1, A bar code label is attached to the centigrade thermometer . 摄氏温度计上系着一枚条形码标签。 1, A compass ,an album and a stack of pads are carelessly put near the calendar. 指南针、相册和一沓便笺本被随意地搁在日历旁边。 3, There is a stack of hay and a leaky barrel in the discarded barn. 在废弃的牲口棚中有一堆干草和一个漏的水桶。 4, The gardener is trimming a peculiar pine tree’s limbs with a saw. 园丁正在用锯子修剪一棵造型独特的松树。 5, Spiders spin webs amid the bush to capture insects as their food. 蜘蛛在灌木丛中结网并以捕捉昆虫为食。 6,The capacity of that plastic container is 10 gallons ,namely 80 pints ,and the height is approximately 60 centimeters. 那个塑料容器的容积是10加仑即80品脱,高度大约为60厘米。 7, A gym locates beside the erect statue and monuments of suburb with blooms around. 在市郊笔直的雕像和纪念碑附近,坐落着一座体育馆,周围花团锦簇。 8, The brave cowboy is herding a flock of sheep to descend a slope. 那位勇敢的牧童正把一群羊赶下山坡。 9, The harsh whistle of subway weakened and vanished away in the dim tunnel. 地铁方向传来的刺耳汔笛声在昏暗的地道里变弱消失了。 10,The bamboos and honey peaches dot the bright and spectacular view on the mountain peak. 竹林和水蜜桃树点缀着山顶亮丽壮观的风景。 11, The flour-roller clinging to the wall is stirring the mixture of flour and water with a constant rhythm. 紧靠墙角的面粉搅拌机正有节奏地搅动着面水混合物。 12, The shallow smelly draining ditch outside the inn annoyed the civilians. 客栈外面那条浅浅的发臭的排水沟使周围的民众很烦恼。 13, The purple purse made of genuine leather for auction aroused our attention. 那个待拍卖的真皮紫色钱包引起了我们的注意。 14, There is a sack of grain and some textiles on the saddle of a donkey. 驴鞍上驮着一麻袋谷物和一些纺织品。 15, There was a bottle of champagne, some stale toast and a bowl of bacon with ants in the cupboard (closet)of the bachelor. 那个单身汉的食橱里放着一瓶香槟酒,一些不新鲜的烤面包和一碗爬满蚂蚁的咸肉。 16, Under the command of its master, the loyal hunting dog is wandering in the bundles of weeds, waiting for prey. 在主人的指挥下,那只忠实的狗在野草丛中徘徊着等待猎物的出现。 17,The crude hut concealed by bunches of weeds, hedges and oaks refreshed my memory of childhood. 被杂草、篱笆和橡树遮掩的那个小屋唤起了我对童年的回忆。 18, We can see a queue of saints , some solemn isolated temples and



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