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中学生VOA英语阅读之海平面上升威胁塞内加尔岛屿Rising Sea Levels Endanger Senegalese IslandsMangrove forests are essential to Senegalese coastal ecosystems.They are protecting swampy areas from erosion, storm surges and tsunamis.They shield crop fields and help boost fish stocks.But as the sea waters rise, the mangroves get too much salt and perish.红树林对塞内加尔沿岸的生态系统起着重要作用。它们使沼泽地免遭侵蚀、风暴潮和海啸的破坏。它们保护了农田,促进了鱼类资源的增长。但随着海平面的上升,红树林被盐水侵蚀并开始死亡。Droughts and erratic rainfalls that cause floods have increased salt levelsand poisoned freshwater sources, land and agriculture.干旱和洪涝增加了含盐量污染了淡水源,土壤和农作物。Three or four days after the rain, everything goes white.There are piles of salt.All the crops we sow die.All this is due to the salinity caused by the rising waters of the sea.And when we store valuables in our rooms, rust eats away little-by-little and eventually destroys them.降雨过后没几天,一切都变成了白色。到处都是盐。庄稼都死了。这都是海平面上升导致的。放在屋里的贵重物品一点点被腐蚀,直至被毁坏。Residents of the Diamniadio Island near the edge of the delta used to grow their own rice and vegetables.Now they have to buy the produce they used to grow.When the community lost its rice crops, it turned to fishing for livelihoodBut when the mangroves die they also erase the breeding grounds for fish.过去,Diamniadio岛上的大米和蔬菜都是当地居民自己种植的。现在他们只能买了。当地居民失去稻田后,只能靠打渔养家糊口。但红树林的死亡给渔业带来严重影响。When the sea enters in the river, because you have increasing of salt, it has killed many mangroves.And you know the mangroves are the nurseries of all the seafood, said AissataDia of Actionaid Senegal.海水流入河水,害死了大批红树林。红树林是所有海鲜的温床。Illegal overfishing further depleted fish stocks, leaving many people without a source of livelihood.非法捕捞加剧了鱼类资源的枯竭,导致大量人口失去生活来源。No mangrove conservation and land salinization led us to turn to immigration.A decrease of resources is what drives young people here to take canoes to reach the Canary Islands失去红树林的保护和土地盐碱化使我们不得不移民。资源减少使得年轻人去往加那利群岛谋生存。Those left behind fear losing their homes to the sea.剩下的人害怕海水夺走他们的家园。When the tide is high, the water goes into the kitchen.and


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