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华北农学报2007, 22( 增刊) : 1720 1 1 2 刘 何, 谢令琴 , 赵建军 ( 1 , 071001; 2 , 071001) : , R Pr , ,R Avr ,- : ;R ;; :Q81 :A : 1000- 7091( 2007) - 0017- 04 Reviews on Plant Resistance Genes and the Related Resistant Mechanisms 1 1 2 LIU He ,XIE Lingqin ,ZHA Jianjun ( 1College of Agronomy, AgriculturalUniversity of Hebei, Baoding 071001,China; 2Collegeof Horticulture,Agricultural University of Hebei, Baoding 071001,China) Abstract:By the specific signal pathway,such asSARreaction,induced by avirulencegenes,therelated plant resis tance gene families can be highly expressed and can produce various resistant compounds, pathogenesis related proteins inducing resistant proteinsAccording to the studies of resistant protein sequencing and 3D structure analyses, it is proved that resistant proteins always have some similar and conservative domains,whose feature is applied in PCR amplification for resistancegenesAlso,through positional cloning,transposon tagging,someresistancegenes havebeen cloned and been sequencedA array of experiments demonstrated the interaction between resistant proteins and avirulence factorsSo, to sum up,theresults can better explain the Geneforgene hypothesis or plant resistant mechanisms Key words:Plant resistance gene; R protein; Transgene; Defense responsemechanism 20 80 gene) (Avirulence gene,Avr) [ 2] , [3] ; , [ 4]


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