23 尾菜粗饲料辅料用量确定 - 中国生态农业学报.doc

23 尾菜粗饲料辅料用量确定 - 中国生态农业学报.doc

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23 尾菜粗饲料辅料用量确定 - 中国生态农业学报

3种尾菜饲料化 杨富民1 张克平2 杨敏3 (1.甘肃农业大学食品科学与工程学院,甘肃兰州 730070;2.甘肃农业大学工学院,甘肃兰州 730070;3.甘肃农业大学理学院,甘肃兰州 730070) 摘 要针对尾菜水分含量高、易腐烂变质,了由清洗、打浆、压滤、水处理、混合、制块单元组成的尾菜饲料化生产线单因素和正交试验工艺参数蜂窝块状粗饲料。结果表明,清洗、打浆为粒径约10mm的芹菜、白菜、莲花菜尾菜,在气泡清洗机输送带运行速度分别为6-7m/min、7-8m/min、8-9m/min,芹菜单丝、白菜和莲花菜使用750B压滤滤布,在隔膜压榨压力0.05-0.06MPa,时间20min的条件下,尾菜饼含水率可降至35%,与占量12.5%的膨润土、10.0%次粉、15.0%稻壳粉、3.0%玉米蛋白粉混合,压块成型率95.0%,吨料电耗22kw·h/t,粗饲料密度900 kg/m3,坚实度82%,均匀度95%,含水率≤10%,粗纤维生产表明,尾菜饲料化生产线操作实用具有自动化程度高等特点适合于蔬菜商品化处理、蔬菜精加工生产基地以及大型农贸等尾菜。关键词 尾菜 饲料化 生产线 中图分类号:Q518.4 tudy on the technology of fodder production from the three different vegetable remainders YANG Fu-Min1, ZHANG Ke-Ping2, YANG Min3 (1. College of Food Science and Engineering, Gansu Agricultural University, Lan Zhou, 730070, China;2. College of Engineering, Gansu Agricultural University, Lan Zhou, 730070, China;3. College of Science, Gansu Agricultural University, Lan Zhou, 730070, China) Abstract: Vegetable industry is the most competitive advantage industry in every city which plays an important role in increasing farmers income, improving peoples live, expanding employment and developing regional economic. During the process of picking, processing, transporting and selling, some disabled leaf is removed from vegetable which is called vegetable remainders. The number of vegetable remainders is rising sharply with the rapid advance of vegetable industry and vegetables commercialization process. Because of lacking of economic and suitable processing technology, the conversion rate of vegetable-residue is lower. There is a large number of vegetable-residue accumulation in the fields, on the side of rural roads and into the canals. The accumulation will rot and cause serious pollution of soil, water and atmosphere. Especially, it will endanger the green vegetables production base. In recent years, vegetable-residue was used mainly by mading for vegetable powder for feed and organic fertilizer, returning to the field directly. But the cost of those processing was highly


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