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6 3 生命科学研究 Vol. 6 No. 3
2002 9 Life Science Research Sep. 2002
1 2
邵 方, 黄宗卿
( 1. , 400038; 2. , 400044)
:椭圆偏振术是一种新兴的用于研究生物分子固相表面 附以及 附分子间相互作用的表面分析技术.
其最大优点在于测量过程不破坏被测体系;而且灵敏度高, 可反映接近原子尺寸的变化; 又能原位实时跟踪检
:椭圆偏振术; 生物医学;应用
: 436.3;R318.51 :A : 1007-7847(2002) 03-0194-04
Application of Ellipsometry in the Investigations of Biomedicine
1 2
SHA Fang ,HUANG Zhong-qing
( 1.Dep artment of Chemistry , Third Military Medical Univ ersity , Chongqing 400038, China ;
2.Dep artment of App lied Chemistry , Ching qing Univ ersity , Chong qing 400044, China)
Abstract :Ellipsometry, an optical surface-sensitive analytical technique for the investigations of bimolecular adsorp-
tion reflecting solid surfaces and interactions of them at the solidliquid interfaces,has the advantages of high sensi-
tivity to thepresenceof very thin surface layers,to changes in surface topography at an atomic scale.Bearing advan-
tages of neither disturbing measured systems,nor involving any labeling of reactants,it can be used in real-timemon-
itoring of the changes of surface film in situ.The main aspects of ellipsometric applications in the investigations of
biomedicine are summarized.
Key words: ellipsometry;biomedicine;application
( Lfi e Science Research ,2002,6(3) : 194~ 197)
(Ellipsometry) .
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