压缩果汁的生产流程(The production process of compressed juice).doc

压缩果汁的生产流程(The production process of compressed juice).doc

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压缩果汁的生产流程(The production process of compressed juice)

压缩果汁的生产流程(The production process of compressed juice) Apple enters the stage of ascending stage, the water flows into the secondary pit circulation pool, and the pump continues to enter the secondary channel to deliver the apple. Secondary pit of circulating water everyday use of water when the phone is switched on, the production process, according to the secondary circulation tank water level, will be treated with demineralized water constantly make secondary circulation pool, secondary circulation redundant circulating water pool into the pit, keep clean secondary circulating water pit. 5. Level 1 upgrade: lift the apple to the selection stage with a first-level screw elevator. By adjusting the feedstock of the hoist gearbox to ensure the production needs. 6. Choose: on the chosen as apple scroll will be mouldy fruit picking out bad fruit, impurities, the working procedure to ensure rotten fruit rate control under 2% after picking, sorting table apple is put into a single layer, each choose fruit sorting machine guarantee one person per square metre above personnel. Choose monitor to monitor the rate of rotten fruit every two hours and record. The selected raw fruit enters the tertiary transport cleaning process. Rotten fruit conveyance: remove impurities such as rotten apples, which are picked up from the picking table, and then transfer the machine to the workshop for non-food use. 8. Floating wash: in this process of circulation, the apple will be turned over by the water in the float, which will be fully soaked and cleaned, and then the apple will enter the disinfection pool. 9. Secondary improvement: at the end of the float washing machine, the raw fruit can be transported to the roller conveyor with the hoist, and the water pump will be washed back to the floating washer to continue the cycle, and the cleaning water will be separated from the raw material. 10. Sterilization: in the disinfectant pool, the use of disinfectant (generally chlorine dioxide) is m


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