
不同轻基质配方对边坡绿化植物藤本月季生长指标的 - 水土保持研究.pdf

不同轻基质配方对边坡绿化植物藤本月季生长指标的 - 水土保持研究.pdf

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不同轻基质配方对边坡绿化植物藤本月季生长指标的 - 水土保持研究

13 6 Vo l. 13 No . 6 200 6 12 Research of So il and Water Co nserv atio n Dec. , 2006 * 1 1 2 1 1 杨 莉 , 孙保平, 赵方莹, 屈志强 , 李 瑞 ( 1. , 1000 83 2 . , 1000 83) : , 3 , , 4 4 , 2 1 : : S 157. 43 : A : 1005- 34 09 ( 2006) 0 6- 0 165- 0 3 Study on Influence of Different Media Formulation on Growth Index of Slope Greening Plant- Climbing Roses 1 1 2 1 1 YA N G L i , SU N Bao- p ing , ZH A O Fang- ying , Q U Zh-i qiang , L I Ru i (1. College of Soil and Water Conserv ation, Beij ing Forestry Univ ersity ; 2.ResearchI nstitute of Slop e reening, Beij ing Forestry Univ ersity , B eij ing 1000 83, China) Abstract T he aut ho rs take represent ive slo pe g reen plant - climbing roses as exp er im ent m aterial , choo se peat , ver m iculite and per lit e as plant m edia. A cco rding to diff erent pro po rtion to m ix the three m edia, then comp ar ed w it h the soil plant ing , analy zed and m easured the phy sica l and chem ical pro per ties of diff er ent m edia f or mulatio n, eff ect ive mositur e content and g r ow th index of climbing ro ses . I n the end, the best light m edia f or mulatio n is conf orm ed th at is the t hird f or mulatio n volum e pr opor tion o f peat and per lite 2 1. Key words f o rmulat ion of m edia Climbing R oses solpe g reening pr incipa l component analysis Cluster ing analy sis ( Climbing Ro ses, CI) , ,


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