
喀斯特石林发育的土壤学视角 - 水土保持研究.PDF

喀斯特石林发育的土壤学视角 - 水土保持研究.PDF

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喀斯特石林发育的土壤学视角 - 水土保持研究

12 4 . 12 . 4 Vo l N o 2005 8 Resear ch o f Soil and Water Conserv ation A ug. , 2005 1 1 2 2 彭 建, 蔡运龙, 王尚彦, 戴传固 1. , 100871; 2. , 550004) : , , , CO 2 , 10 m , , , : ; ; ; ; : P 642. 25 : A : 1005-3409 2005) 04 -0049-04 Study on the Rol e of Soil in Stone Forest Devel opment 1 1 2 2 P EN G Jian , CA I Y un-lo ng , W A N G Shang-y an , DA I Chuan-gu 1. Dep artment of Resource and E nvironmental Geograp hy , Environmental S chool, Peking Univ ersity , Beij ing 100 871, China; 2. , 550004 , ) Guizhou cademy of Geological S urvey Guiyang China Abstract: Ba sed o n the f ield investigation o n the stone fo rests in Y unnan , and integ r ated w ith achiev ement s of other r e- sea rchers, the influence of soil fo rma tio n and ero sion in kar st areas o n t he ev olutio n o f stone for est are discu ssed . T he r esults show that soil is t he fundament al driving for ce in v ertica l development of stone for est . A n intensive sub -soil disso lution zo ne, bro ug ht about by the har monio us w or king of so il CO and so il w ater , ma kes st one fo rest hig her and higher , and the bo tto m line 2 10 . , for the zone lies in ar ound m below gr ound s



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