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基于图象差的平面大范围视觉伺服控制 - 控制与决策
第15 卷第5 期 2000 年9 月
Vol. 15 No . 5 CON TR OL A N D DE CIS I ON Sept. 2000
林 靖 徐强华 陈辉堂 蒋 平 王月娟
( 200092)
为解决大范围偏差的控制问题, 将期望图象按给定的角度间隔旋转, 线生成 一系列子期望图
方法给出的平动参数, 实现了在大范围偏差时迅速将摄象机调整到期望位姿。在期望位姿附近结合直
接图象反馈方式, 实现了基于图象差的平面大范围视觉伺服控制。
机器人视觉, 视觉伺服控制, 图象差
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Image error based Planar Global Visual Servoing
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Lin J ing X u Qianghua Chen H uitang J iang P ing Wang Yuej uan
(T ongji University)
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A bstract A s heme for large s ale deviation ontrol in a vision guided grasping task is presented T he
desired image is rot ated w it h a spe ifi int erval to generate a series of desired sub-images off-line. T he
rot ational ontrol parameter ould be obtained by omparing the desired sub-images with the real-time
sampled image. Combining the rotational paramet ers with the translational paramet ers obtained from
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image entroid the amera ould be rapidly regulated to the desired pose Round the desired pose t he
met hod is ombined with the dire t image feedba k ontrol s heme to realize the image-error -based
planar global visual servoing.
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Key words robot vision visual servoing image error
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