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2. 自从去年年底以来,公司产量急剧增加。   3. 明年这个时候,我会在美国看职业篮球赛。 The production of our company has sharply increased since the end of last year. I will be watching NBA in America this time next year. 22 4. 难怪他很累,他一连工作了3个月周末都不休息。   5. 我们眼看就要出发,突然接到电话说会议推迟了。 No wonder he is tired. He has been working for three months without having a rest at the weekends. We were about to start to have a meeting when a call came informing us that the meeting had been put off. 22 6. 我来办公室半个小时了。你快点过来。 7. (1)Its three years since we lived here. (2)Its three years since we began to live here. I have been in the office for half an hour and come up to me soon. (1)我们搬家(不住这儿)3年了。 (2)我们住这儿3年了。 22 8. (1)Please tell me when hell come here. (2)Please tell me about it,when he comes. (1)请告诉我他什么时候来这儿。 (2)当他来了时,请告诉我这件事。 22 通过上述翻译练习,可知要想准确运用动词时态,学习时态应把握好如下要点: 1.动词时态的基本结构(句型公式),如现在完成进行时:主语+ has/have + been doing; 2.要掌握各种时态的常见时间状语:如“明年这个时候”常用于将来进行时; 3.掌握时态本身的含义。如表达将来时的“be 22 about to do sth.”强调时间逼近的将来,往往表达很快就要发生某事; 4.注意时态运用时的特定注意事项,如短暂性动作不能用于含有一段时间的完成时; 5.注意相似表达及各时态之间的异同。如“have gone to…”表示“到某地去了”;“ have been to…”表示“去过某地”; 22 6.注意特殊句式的含义。如:“It is +段时间+since+主语+过去时态”句型中,若过去式动作为延续性动作,则主句时间应从该动作终止时算起。如:Its three years since we lived here.应该理解为“我们从这儿搬家3年了”。因为live是延续性动作,“住”的终止时间就是“不住”,即“搬家”。 22   翻译下列句子,指出句子的语态   1. His first three novels came out in 1989.   2. His first three novels were published in 1989. 1 什么是动词的语态? 他的前三部小说是1989年出版的。主动语态。 他的前三部小说是1989年出版的。被动语态。 二、动词语态 3. The director is considered to have been involved in the scandal.   4. My car is being repaired and I have to walk to school. 5. The firemen have been fighting the big fire for a whole day and things are much better. 1 据说导演卷入了丑闻。被动语态。 我的车在修理,我只好步行回家。被动语态。 消防队员一整天都在灭火,现在情况好多了。主动语态。


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