sio2 干凝胶制备及其煅烧特性的研究 - journal of northeastern .pdf

sio2 干凝胶制备及其煅烧特性的研究 - journal of northeastern .pdf

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sio2 干凝胶制备及其煅烧特性的研究 - journal of northeastern

第33卷第11期 东 北 大 学 学 报 ( 自 然 科 学 版 ) Vol. 33, No. 11 2 0 12 年 11 月 Journal of Northeastern U niversit ( Natural Science) N ov. 2 0 1 2 SiO 2 韩 露, 袁 磊, 曾绍武, 于景坤 ( , 110819) : - SiO 2 , : ; 300 , SiO 2 2 - 1 3 - 1 92462 m g , 0754 cm g , 10 nm , ; : ; ; ; ; : T Q 050. 4 : A : 1005-3026( 2012) 11- 1595-04 Preparation of SiO2 Xerogel and Investigation of Its Calcining Characteristic HAN Lu, YUAN Lei, ZENG Shao-w u, YUJing-kun ( School of Materials Metallurg , Northeastern Universit , Shen ang 110819, China. Corresponding author: Y U Jing-kun, E-mail: ujk @ smm. neu. edu. cn) Abstract: SiO xerogel w as prepared b so-l gel process and azeotropic distillation dr ing method. 2 T he effect of azeotropic disstillation process on the formation of gel porous network structure under ambient pressure was discussed, and the changes of xerogel phase and pore structure during calcining process w ere investigated. T he results show ed that the particle surface h drophobic modification and solvent replacement can be simultaneousl completed during azeotropic distillation dr ing process. After calcined at 300 , the specific surface area and pore volume of 2 - 1 3 - 1 SiO xerogel is 924. 62 m g and 0. 754 cm g respectivel , and the pore size distribution is 2 mainl less than 10 nm, w hich are similar to aerogel in microscopic structure. High temperature is the direct factor of changing particles sinter and pore structure. Key words: azeotropic distillation; so


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