响应面法优化穿山龙总皂苷提取工艺 - 中国现代应用药学.pdf

响应面法优化穿山龙总皂苷提取工艺 - 中国现代应用药学.pdf

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响应面法优化穿山龙总皂苷提取工艺 - 中国现代应用药学

响应面法优化穿山龙总皂苷提取工艺 施政,王建平,章建军,蒋剑平*(浙江省中医院,杭州 310006) 摘要:目的 优化穿山龙总皂苷的提取工艺。方法 采取超声波辅助纤维素酶法提取穿山龙总皂苷;以单因素实验结果 为基础,利用响应面设计系统分析且优化影响总皂苷含量的主要因素,从而建立影响因素与对应的响应值之间的数学关 系模型,得到最优提取条件。结果 最佳提取工艺条件为pH 值 6.0 ,水浴温度31.3 ℃,乙醇浓度44.21% ,总皂苷得率 为0.421%。结论 优化所得工艺操作方便、效率高,适合工业化大生产。 关键词:穿山龙;响应面设计;薯蓣总皂苷;超声辅助提取;纤维素酶 中图分类号:R285.4 文献标志码:B 文章编号:1007-7693(2017)01-0068-04 DOI: 10.13748/ki.issn1007-7693.2017.01.016 Optimizing the Extraction Process of the Total Saponin of Dioscoreae Nipponicae Rhizoma by Response Surface Methodology * SHI Zheng, WANG Jianping, ZHANG Jianjun, JIANG Jianping (Zhejiang Provincial Hospital of TCM, Hangzhou 310006, China) ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVE To optimize the extraction conditions of the total saponin from Dioscoreae Nipponicae Rhizoma. METHODS Ultrasonic assisted cellulose enzymatic extraction was used to extract the total saponin from Dioscoreae Nipponicae Rhizoma. With the basis of the single factor experimental results, the main factors which influence the content of total saponin by using response surface methodology(RSM) were analyzed and optimized. The mathematical model was founded between the influence factors and the response values, and then got the optimum extracting conditions. RESULTS The optimal conditions of total saponin extraction were obtained as the follows: pH value 6.0, bathing temperature 31.3 ℃, ethanol concentration 44.21%. Under the above condition, the total saponin yield was up to 0.421%. CONCLUSION The optimized process is easy to operate with high efficiency, suitable for industrial production. KEY WORDS: Dioscoreae Nipponicae Rhizoma; response surface methodology; dioscin; ultrasonic assisted extraction; cellulase 穿山龙为薯蓣科植物穿龙薯蓣 Dioscorea 研究采用响应面法优化提取工艺。与正交试验法相 nipponica Makino 的干燥根茎,被收载于中国药典 比,正交试验法只


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