hplc 法测定降脂灵胶囊中紫丁香苷及葛根素的含量 - 中国药事.pdf

hplc 法测定降脂灵胶囊中紫丁香苷及葛根素的含量 - 中国药事.pdf

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hplc 法测定降脂灵胶囊中紫丁香苷及葛根素的含量 - 中国药事

38 011 5 4 HPLC 1 1 张 禹, 吴高芬 ( , 4 14000; ) : 建立HPLC 法测定降脂灵胶囊中紫 丁香苷及葛根素的含量 采用 Phenomenex luna 1 C18色谱柱; 流动相: 乙 水 ( 1 10) 为流动相, 检测波长: 64nm; 流速: 10mL min ; 柱温 30 紫 丁香苷和葛根素分别在0067~ 1686g00 0~ 0508g 范围内呈良好线性关系, r 分别 为099991, 其平均回收率分别为964% 980%, RSD 分别为 10%05% 本方法操作简 便结果准确, 专属性强 : 高效液相色谱法; 降脂灵胶囊; 紫 丁香苷; 葛根素 : R 84; R9 7 : A : 100 7777 ( 011) 04038 03 Determination of Syringin andPuerarin in Jiangzhiling Capsules by HPLC 1 Zhang Yu and Wu Gaofen ( Yueyang Hospital of Traditional Chinese M edicine, Yueyang 4 14000; 1 Yueyang Institute for Drug Control) ABSTRACT: bjective To establish a HPLC method for determination of syringin and puerarin in Jiangzhiling Capsules Methods Phenomenex Luna C18 column w as used The mobile phase w as consisted 1 of acetonitrilew ater( 110) , and the detection w avelength w as 64nm The flow rate w as 10mL min and the temperature of column w as 30 Results T he standard curves of syringin and puerarin w ere linear in the range of 0067~ 1686g( r = 09999) , 00 0~ 0508g( r= 1) , respectively T he average recoveries w ere 964% and 980%, respectively Conclusion T he method is simple, accurate and specific KEYW RDS: HPLC; Jiangzhiling Capsules; syringin; puerarin 008070 ) , ( : M S19 001) , , 16 , 2 [ 1 ] 21 , , JPLC : Phenomenex luna C18 ( 46mm 00mm, 5m) ; : ( 1 10) ; 3000; 1 1


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