宰后猪pse 肉特征形成与初期温度的关系 - 江苏第二师范学院.pdf

宰后猪pse 肉特征形成与初期温度的关系 - 江苏第二师范学院.pdf

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宰后猪pse 肉特征形成与初期温度的关系 - 江苏第二师范学院

Modern Food Science and Technology 2014, Vol.30, No.7 (江苏第二师范学院生命科学与化学化工学院,江苏南京 210013) 研究了“发白、质地柔软和出水”(PSE )猪肉特征的形成与宰后初期温度关系,取宰后20 min 猪背最长肌分别经过 0, 20 ,40 ℃孵育处理至宰后2 h ,然后放置于4 ℃进行成熟。其中分别取宰后20 min、1 h、2 h、24 h 肉样并立即于液氮冷冻然后放置 -40 ℃冰箱保存以待测定生化指标,另外测定宰后24 h 新鲜肉样的肌肉品质和蛋白质特征聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS)分析。 结果显示:宰后初期40 ℃处理组肉样R 值升高速度,乳酸的积累速度和 pH 下降速度均较快,表明了高温导致了快速的糖酵解,另 外不同温度间肌浆蛋白 SDS图谱存在差异,高温组 100 ku 和 35 ku 的条带表达量较少,表明部分肌浆蛋白可能发生变性,最 终导致高温处理组肌肉颜色亮度值显著较高以及较高的蒸煮损失。以上结果表明高温处理可以导致发白、质地柔软和出水等特征肉的 产生,而快速的糖酵解可能是主要的原因。 PSE 肉;宰后温度;蛋白质特征 1673-9078(2014)7-69-73 Relationship between Development of Porcine PSE Characteristics and Initial Postmortem Temperature ZHU Xue-shen, LU Ya-yu, HUANG Xue-fang (Department of Life Science and Chemistry, Jiangsu Second Normal University, Nanjing 210013, China) Abstract: Pork longissimus muscle were taken at 20 min postmortem, kept at 0, 20 and 40 ℃ until 2 h postmortem and then stored at 4 ℃, respectively. 20 min, 1 h, 2 h and 24 h postmortem pork samples were selected and rapidly frozen in liquid nitrogen, and stored at -40 ℃ before analyzed. During incubation, rapid increase of R value, accumulation of lactic acid and decrease of pH value were found in the high temperature group (40 ℃).These data indicated that glycolysis could be activated much more in the high temperature group (40 ℃). When analyzing the extracted proteins with SDS, it revealed that both 100 ku and 35 ku polypeptides from sarcoplasmas faction was associated with the myofibrillar fraction. Moreover, the 40 ℃ group had higher L * values and cooking loss compared with the other two groups. These result indicated that high initial postmortem temperature could resulted in pale and exudative characteristics in pork


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