小豆种质资源抗氧化性鉴定与评价 - 中国农学通报.pdf

小豆种质资源抗氧化性鉴定与评价 - 中国农学通报.pdf

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小豆种质资源抗氧化性鉴定与评价 - 中国农学通报

中国农学通报 2012,28(18):59-64 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin 小豆种质资源抗氧化性鉴定与评价 邓美凤,濮绍京,万 平,雷广军 (北京农学院作物遗传育种研究所,北京102206) 摘 要:为了鉴定评价出小豆资源抗氧化性高的品种,通过测定小豆的总抗氧化能力和羟自由基清除能 力,研究来源于不同地区不同颜色的181 个小豆品种的抗氧化性。结果表明,粒色,百粒重和所在地区 对小豆抗氧化性有不同程度的影响。通过实验研究最终得出,绿色小豆总抗氧化性最高,黄白颜色次 之,红色最低;百粒重与抗氧化性成反比,百粒重越大,抗氧化能力越弱,反之则越大;对其中156 个红小 豆品种进行比较,东北辽宁地区的红小豆品种总抗氧化能力最高,日本最低,但日本品种的羟自由基清 除能力很高。 关键词:小豆;抗氧化;羟自由基清除;种质资源鉴定和评价 中图分类号:S5 文献标志码:B 论文编号:2012-0286 AppraisalandEvaluationonAntioxidantCapacityinAdzukiBeanGermplasmResources Deng Meifeng, Pu Shaojing, Wan Ping, Lei Guangjun (InstituteofCropGeneticBreeding,BeijingUniversityofAgriculture, Beijing 102206) Abstract:In order to assess and evaluate beans with high antioxidant by measuring total antioxidant capacities and the hydroxyl radical scavenging activities of Adzuki Beans, studied 181 kinds of Adzuki beans from various area and various color. The result showed that, the color of surface, the weight of 100 beans and the , , beans areas were the main factors of infecting Adzuki beans antioxidant capability during analyzing. The green beans had the highest total antioxidant, yellow and white beans had the second, red beans had the lowest. The weight of 100 beans was in an inverse ratio of the antioxidant, if the weight of 100 beans was high, the antioxidant was low; compare total antioxidant capacities and the hydroxyl radical scavenging activities of 156 kinds of red beans, the kinds with the highest of total antioxidant capacity were from Liaoning which lies in northeast of China, and the lowest was from Japan, but the red beans f



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