茶多酚提取方法的研究进展 - 现代生物医学进展.pdf

茶多酚提取方法的研究进展 - 现代生物医学进展.pdf

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茶多酚提取方法的研究进展 - 现代生物医学进展

Progress in Modern Biomedicine 2006 Vol. 6 No. 7 70 茶多酚提取方法的研究进展 刘蒙佳 陈锦屏 ( 陕西 西安710062) : 茶多酚是一种理想的食品天然抗氧化剂, 具有抗癌治病 衰老 辐射消除人体自由基等多种生理功效, 广泛用于 食品油脂医药化工等行业近年来, 对于茶多酚的提取方法多见于报道, 本文就国内外茶多酚提取方法的研究进展情况作以 综述 : 茶多酚; 抗氧化剂; 提取方法 : S571. 1 : A Advances on research of extraction of tea polyphenols from green tea leaves LI U Meng - j ia, CHEN Jin- p ing ( Dep artment of Foods Engineering , Shaanxi Normal Uni ersity , Xi an 710062, Shaanxi, China) ABSTRACT: T ea polyphenols is an ideal natural foods anti- o idant, which has many physiological functions such as anticancer and treating disease, anti- aging, radiation protection and eliminating human body free radical, etc, and has been widely used in foods, fats, medicine and chemical industry. The e traction of tea polyphenols has been reported much for the past few years. In this article, internal and e ternal advances on the e traction of tea polyphenols has been reviewed. ey words: Tea polyphenols; Antio idant; E traction ) , 1 , , 7% - 8% , , , , , , GB8313- 87, , , , , , , , , 4 , , , , 80% 2. 2 15% ~ 30% , , [ 1] , E 10~ 20 , [ 2] , , , , : , Pb( OH) AcCu( OH) Ac ; [3, 4] , Ca( OH


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