醚桥联二聚体合成的关键中间产物- 9, 10- 脱水青蒿素.pdf

醚桥联二聚体合成的关键中间产物- 9, 10- 脱水青蒿素.pdf

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醚桥联二聚体合成的关键中间产物- 9, 10- 脱水青蒿素

2009 31 1 CHEM ISTRY AND ADHESION 51 - 9, 10- 李淑辉 (, 150040) : 9, 10- 9, 10 C= C, 9, 10 , 9, 10- , X Puc ering 9, 10 : ; 9, 10- ; ; Puc ering : TQ 225. 249 : A : 1001- 0017( 2009) 01- 0051- 03 TheKey Intermed iate 9, 10- Dehydrodeoxyartem isinin in the Synthesis of the D imer of D ihydroartem isin in LI Shu - hui ( I nstitu te of P etrochem istry, H eilongj iang A cademy of S cience, H arbin 150040, Ch ina ) Ab stract: This product had a C= C double bond and retained the peroxide groupw hich w as in the m atrix com pound artem isinin, it w as smi ilar in antmi alarial activ ity to the arteether. 9, 10 - dehydrodeoxyartem isinin w as a ey interm ediate for synthesizing arteether derivatives. The sing le crystal of 9, 10- dehydrodeoxyartem isininw as cultured and its structurew as characterized by XRD. The ring configuration in the crysta l structurew as described clearly by sem i- quantitative ring Puc ering analysis. The hexatom ic rings exhibit chair, tw ist- boat and envelope conform ation. K ey w ord s: Key intermediate; 9, 10- dehydrodeoxyartem isinin; crystal structure; Puc ering analysis 前 言 ( A rtem isininQ inghaosu, QHS) : [ 1~ 4 ] 1 实验部分 [ 5] 1. 1 , , 9, 10 BRUKER E - QU INOX55 , ; CARLO ERBA 1106; [ 6] RIGAKU RAX IS - RAPID X , ( I) 9, 10 - , , , [ 7] 1. 2 9, 10- Purc ering 988mg( 3. 53mm


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