磁流化床脱硫模型 - 中国电机工程学报.PDF

磁流化床脱硫模型 - 中国电机工程学报.PDF

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磁流化床脱硫模型 - 中国电机工程学报

26 卷 24 期 中 国 电 机 工 程 学 报 Vol.26 No.24 Dec. 2006 2006 年12 月 Proceedings of the CSEE 2006 Chin.Soc.for Elec.Eng. 文章编号:0258-8013 (2006) 24-0094-06 中图分类号:TM311 文献标识码:A 学科分类号:47020 磁流化床脱硫模型 1 2 张云峰 ,归柯庭 (1.长沙理工大学能源与动力工程学院,湖南省 长沙市 410076; 2.东南大学洁净煤发电及燃烧技术教育部重点实验室,江苏省 南京市 210096) The Modeling of Flue Gas Desulphurization in Magnetically Fluidized Bed 1 2 ZHANG Yun-feng , GUI Ke-ting ( 1. The Institute of Energy and Power Engineering ,Changsha University, Changsha 410076, Hunan Province, China; 2. Education Ministry Key Laboratory on Clean Coal Power Generation and Combustion Technology, Southeast University, Nanji ng 210096, Jiangsu Province, China) ABSTRACT: Based on the double-film model, a model of the 0 引言 flue gas desulphurization in magnetically fluidized bed (FGD-MFB) was developed. After comparing the numeration 对烟气进行脱硫是目前最有效的控制煤燃烧 values with the test results, the mechanism of FGD-MFB was 排放SO2 的技术。迄今为止,国内外研究和开发了 analyzed and the relation of the key parameters and the 大量的各种类型的烟气脱硫技术,其中,按脱硫过 desulphurization efficiency of the FGD-MFB was discussed 程中用水量的多 和脱硫产物的干湿状态可分为 not only by the experiment, but also by the means of brunauer 湿法脱硫、半干法脱硫和干法脱硫,按脱硫过程中 emmett teller equation(BET) and field emission microscope (


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