矿区土地复垦与生态产业链总体规划设计 - 中国生态修复网.DOC

矿区土地复垦与生态产业链总体规划设计 - 中国生态修复网.DOC

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矿区土地复垦与生态产业链总体规划设计 - 中国生态修复网

矿区土地复垦与生态产业链总体规划设计 白中科1,2,贺振伟3,李晋川4,张继栋1,崔 艳1 中国地质大学土地科学技术学院,北京 100083;2. 国土资源部土地整治重点实验室,北京 100035;3. 中煤平朔煤业有限责任公司,山西 朔州 036006;4. 山西省生物研究所,山西 太原 030006) 摘 要:循环经济与可持续发展理念指导下的平朔煤矿区生态恢复与重建,有2条相互依存的生态产业链:一是以煤为主,电、化、氧化铝、建材并举的黑色产业链;二是围绕复垦土地开展生态重建,种养加一体化发展的绿色生态产业链。这2条生态产业链构成了平朔矿区生态系统功能的多样性,它既不同于自然生态系统,也不同于工业园区是集自然生态系统、生态系统与恢复生态系统为一体,涉及农业用地、工业用地的复合生态系统。据矿区土地利用现状生态系统多样性与完整性等指标的相似性与变异性分为农业综合利用区、工业生态园区、恢复生态保护区、旅游观光区、生态重建区与待开采区个22个。 关键词:矿区;复垦;生态产业;产业链;规划设计 中图分类号:TD88 文献标识码:A Mined Land Reclamation and Planning of Ecological Industrial Chains BAI Zhong-ke1,2,HE Zheng-wei3,LI Jin-chuan2,ZHANG Ji-dong1,CUI Yan1 (1.School of Land Sciences &Technology,China University of Geosciences,Beijing 100083,China;2. Key Laboratory of Land Regulation,Ministry of Land and Resources,Beijing 100035; 3. Pingshuo Coal Industry Corporation,Shuozhou 036006,China;4. Shanxi Institute of Biology, Taiyuan 030006,China) Abstract:Ecological restoration in Pingshuo Coal Mine is under the guidance of two concepts—circular economy and sustainable development. There are two interdependent ecological industrial chains for the development of Pingshuo : One is the black industry chain ,in which coal is the main product, and the electricity ,alumina materials are all the products; The other is the green ecological chain, which is on the base of land reclamation and ecological reconstruction, which is to develop planting, culture and processing industry. These two ecological industry chains increased the diversity of ecosystems and ecological functions of Pingshuo mine. So, the ecosystem is not only different from natural ecosystems, but also different from the typical industrial park, it is a combination of natural ecosystems, damaged ecosystems and restoration ecosystems, it is related to the agricultural land and the industrial land. Based on the mining land use, the similarity and variability of biodiversity, ecosystem integrity, and other indicators, Pingshuo mine area are divided into 6 ecological func


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