
帛书《二三子》篇探析 - CORE.PDF

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帛书《二三子》篇探析 - CORE

興大中文學報第二十一期 (2007) 1 民國 96 年 6月出版 帛書《二三子》篇探析 林文彬∗ 摘 要 帛書《周易》的出土,引起易學研究者極大的注目,而相關的研究也陸續的 出現。本論文是在前人既有的研究基礎上,對帛書《二三子》篇作專篇的討論。 全文是透過 (一 )所援引的六十四卦經文, (二 )對卦爻辭的解說, (三 )全篇有貫串的 主旨以及本篇所出現的一些特殊詞語等方面,來作綜合的討論和推測,最後認為 本篇是首尾完足的一整篇作品,不宜分作各自獨立的上下兩篇,它很可能是戰國 晚期的儒家學者所作。 關鍵詞: 帛書、周易、二三子、二三子問、精白、和同 ∗中興大學中國文學系副教授 2 興大中文學報第二十一期 Exploring the Chapter “Er San Zi” on Silk Texts Lin Wen-Ping∗ Abstract The unearthing of Zhouyi on Silk Texts has greatly come into notice of the researchers of Yi-ology and related studi es also came forth one after another. On the foundation of predecessors’ studies, this thesis exclusively discusses the Chapter “Er San Zi” on Silk Texts. The whole thesis is making a comprehensive discussion and supposition through (A) the quotes from 64 hexagrams, (B) an exposition of the divinatory phraseology, (C) the gist connected through the whole thesis and some special terms in the thesis, et c. Finally, the chapter is regarded as an unabridged work, which is perfect from beginning to end; moreover, it shouldn’t be divided into two independent pieces. It was likely written by Confucian scholar in the late Warring State Period. Key words: Silk Texts, Zhouyi, Er San Zi, Er San Zi Wen, Jing Bai, Ho Tong ∗ Associate Professor,Department of Chines e Literature,National Chung Hsing University 帛書《二三子》篇探析 3 帛書《二三子》篇探析 林文彬 一、前言 1973 年 12 月湖南長沙馬王堆三號漢墓發現了帛書《周易》。帛書《周易》是 寫在兩件帛書上,依據已經



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