
生长调节剂及基质对杉木微扦插生根的影响 - 广东林业科技.PDF

生长调节剂及基质对杉木微扦插生根的影响 - 广东林业科技.PDF

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生长调节剂及基质对杉木微扦插生根的影响 - 广东林业科技

林 业 与 环 境 科 学 44 Forestry and Environmental Science 2017 年6 月第33 卷第3 期 生长调节剂及基质对杉木微扦插生根的影响* 1 2 2 1 1 韩吉思   玉志鹏   王 芳   卢亚晴   杨 梅 (1. 广西大学林学院,广西南宁 530004 ; 2. 广西国有维都林场,广西来宾 546100 ) 摘要 以广西省贺州市东潭林业科学研究所杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata )无根组培苗为材料,进 行微扦插生根试验,初步建立杉木组培苗微扦插生根技术方法。结果表明:(1 )以50 mg/L IBA+25 mg/ L NAA 做生根剂、黄心土做基质,生根周期缩短,生根率达72% ,为基质与生长调节剂的较优组合;(2 ) 在植物生长调节剂中浸泡 15 min 的吸收效果最好,生根率达75% ;(3 )移栽后追施10 mg/L NAA 的苗木 生根质量较优,生根率达88%。 关键词 杉木;微扦插;基质;生长调节剂 中图分类号:S723.1  文献标识码:A  文章编号:2096-2053 (2017 )03-0044-04 Effects of Different Growth Regulators and Substrate on the Rooting of Micro-cuttage of Cunninghamia lanceolata 1 2 2 1 1 HAN Jisi   YU Zhipeng   WANG Fang   LU Yaqing   YANG Mei (1. College of Forestry, Guangxi University, Nanning,Guangxi 530004, China; 2.Guangxi Weidu State Forest Farm, Laibin,Guangxi 546100,China) Abstract The rooting of micro-cuttage experiment of Cunninghamia lanceolata was carried out by using the rootless tissue culture seedling as the material from Dongtan Academy of Forest in Guangxi, and the method of micro-cuttage rooting for rootless tissue culture seedling of C. lanceolata was preliminarily established. The results were as follows: (1) The optimal combination of substrate and growth regulators was 50 mg/LIBA+25 mg/LNAA as rooting agent and subsoil of the yellow earth as substrate, the cycle of rooting was shortened and the rooting rate was 72%; (2) The time of soaking in the plant growth regulator was better at 15 min, and the rooting rate was 75%; (3) In the later management, the rooting quality of NAA seedling was better than that of 10 mg/L, and


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