《文献检索与利用》总复习题库(Literature search and utilization review the question bank).doc

《文献检索与利用》总复习题库(Literature search and utilization review the question bank).doc

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《文献检索与利用》总复习题库(Literature search and utilization review the question bank)

《文献检索与利用》总复习题库(Literature search and utilization review the question bank) General review questions bank of document retrieval and utilization First, individual choice questions 1. or less is not Boolean logic A.NOT B.OR C.AND D.NEAR The usual order of operations of 2. Boolean logic operators is (): When A. has parentheses, the parentheses are first executed; NOT, AND OR without parentheses When B. is bracketed, the parentheses are executed first; when parentheses are not there, NOT OR AND When C. has parentheses, the parentheses are first executed; AND NOT OR without parentheses When D. has parentheses, the parentheses are first executed; AND, OR NOT without parentheses 3. words and phrases? Can be used instead of 0 or more characters? A. more than one B.1 C.2 D.3 4. which of the following is the abbreviation of the library public directory retrieval system? A. Calis B. NSTL C. OCLC D. OPAC What is the unique identifier of the 5.ISSN? A. conference documents B. standard documents C. thesis D. Journal What is the unique identifier of the 6.ISBN? A. books B. Journal C. Technology Report D. patent documents 7. which of the following databases is a full-text database? A.CPCI B.Elsevier Science Direct C.EI D. SCI 8. use Adobe Reader to read the files in which format A.PDF B. VIP C. HTML D. TXT 9.cajviewer is the following database full text reading software: A. Superstar Digital Library B. VIP Chinese science and Technology Periodicals Database C.CNKI CNKI full text library D. Wanfang Data Resources 10. browsing superstar digital library, should be installed first: A. Apabi Reader B. Adobe Reader C. CAJ Viewer D. SSReader 11. the following databases belong to the bibliographic database A. SCI B. ISTP C.EI D. library OPAC 12.PQDT is A. conference document database B. dissertation database C. standard document database D. science and technology reporting database 13.AD, PB, NASA, and DOE are the four largest U.S. government reports, in which NASA refers to A. admini


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