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Definition of Corpus-based Translation Studies Corpus-based Translation Studies (CTS), a new paradigm, can be defined as the branch of the discipline that uses corpora of original and/or translated text for the empirical study of the product and process of translation, the elaboration of the theoretical constructs, and the training of translators. The main content of Corpus-based Translation Studies (CTS) is to study translation as the features of social and cultural phenomena by using the corpus linguistics approach. Mona Baker(1993) fist put forward the idea of exploiting the analytical tools of corpus linguistics to study the product and process of translation from a descriptive rather than a prescriptive point of view. She predicted that the availability of large corpora of both original and translated text, together with the development of a corpus-driven methodology, would enable translation scholars to uncover “the nature of translated text as a mediated communicative event”. 她借用语料库语言学的研究方法,对翻译问题展开另类调查,即广泛收集真实存在的翻译材料,借助现代化的手段建立大型资料库,挑选出各种资料样本进行分析,以此来描述翻译的真实面目和性质,揭示可能存在于翻译中的规律,并为翻译操作提供范式. Corpora: a new methodology in translation studies. 语料库和翻译研究的结合产生了“一种连贯、综合和丰富的研究范式,它涉及了翻译理论、描写和实践等方面的诸多问题,已成为当代描述翻译研究中的一种新范式” (Laviosa 1998:474)。这一新范式——基于语料库的翻译研究(Corpus—based Translation Studies)是一门运用原文文本和翻译文本的语料,对翻译结果和过程进行实证研究的学科。 Two main sources of CTS 描述翻译学的基本思想与语料库语言学不谋而合。语料库语言学坚持在真实的社会文化环境中研究实际的语言行为,同样采取描写和实证的方法。语料库语言学方法为描述翻译行为提供了强有力的支持。从语料库的研究目的来看,把语料库应用于描述翻译研究非常合理且很有必要. 一方面,描述翻译研究的框架便于在翻译研究中应用大规模的描述性分析;另一方面,翻译研究中的语料库也提供了大规模真实的描述性语料,在此基础上可以作进一步的分析,来促进描述翻译研究的理论发展。语料库的发展使描述翻译研究得以充分展开,语料库翻译学基本上就是语料库语言学加描述翻译研究。 Corpus-based Translation Studies: the theory 1. Why we study translation through corpora A. The advantages of the use of large quantities of authentic text, which permits the identification of translational norms and the assessment of the probability that a given relationship found between source and target text is representative of the equ


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