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冠心病:无症状 心绞痛 心肌梗死 心律失常 猝死 心律失常:冠心病 高血压 心衰 糖尿病 洋地黄等中毒;心律失常的食疗 Food Therapy of Cardiac Arrythmias;A term for any of a large and heterogeneous group of conditions in which there is abnormal electrical activity in the heart. The heart beat may be too fast or too slow, and may be regular or irregular. ;心律失常的西医治疗:发作控制,预防发作 1.起搏器 2.除颤器 (ICD) 3.射频消融 4.手术 5.药物:早搏,急性严重发作控制,贫困患者;心律失常的发生机制;Re-entry occur when an electrical impulse recurrently travels in a tight circle within the heart, rather than moving from one end of the heart to the other and then stopping. Every cardiac cell is able to transmit impulses in every direction, but will only do so once within a short period of time. Normally, the action potential impulse will spread through the heart quickly enough that each cell will only respond once. However, if conduction is abnormally slow in some areas, part of the impulse will arrive late and potentially be treated as a new impules: atrial flutter, most paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, and dangerous ventricular tachycardia. ;自律性:Automaticity ;后除极:Afterdepolarization;基因缺陷 多离子靶点假说;西医治疗心律失常药物的分类:;Classification of Anti-Arrythmia Agents?;2. Class 2: Beta 阻滞剂 倍他乐克 3. Class 3: 钠钙钾阻滞 Amiodarone (胺碘酮) Sotalol(索他洛尔,IKr) 4. Class 4: CB,Verapamil(维拉帕米) ;目前心律失常防治药物: 美托洛尔 阿替洛尔 艾司洛尔 3.心得安 4.胺碘酮(可达龙) 5.维拉帕米(异搏定) 6.慢心律,利多卡因 4.乙马噻嗪(莫雷西秦) 5.普罗帕酮(心律平) 6.苯妥英钠 7.腺苷;Ads of Amiodarone The drug affects the triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) metabolism. If long-term use, the thyroid function may be disturbed, and other side effects occur, such as corneal micro-deposits, photosensitivity, pulmonary fibrosis, bradycardia, A-V block, and ventricular tachycardia.;Class 4: Verapamil 维拉帕米;一名女患者,82岁,有儿子陪同来到心血管内科。医生嘱咐其进行心电、CT等检查。当天,没有取出结果。第二天。老人家让儿子来那结果。儿子给医生看结果。医生问,患者呢?儿子说:“老母亲,啥病也没有,就说吃饭不香,过去就经常唠叨自己心里突突,其


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